Depression affects many people, but not all of them need a psychiatrist or pills to find a relief from their symptoms. You may wonder what depression feels like, or if you have it. Depression is more than just temporary sadness. It affects your entire life; your job, your relationships and even your physical health. Depression makes getting out of bed feel like a chore. The good news is that changes to your lifestyle can improve your depression symptoms. These changes can also help you live a healthier more fulfill life even if you do not suffer from clinical depression.

Get outside and get some sunshine. This is not to say that you should be sunbathing for hours everyday, but you do need some exposure to natural sunlight to stay healthy. The exposure to the sun helps regulate your internal clock and ensures a good nights sleep.

Get some exercise. If you have any doubts about whether you are physically well enough for exercise, ask you doctor first. Walking is a great way to get your exercise fix in. It is low impact and inexpensive. All you need is a pair of walking shoes. Make sure you are walking for 30 minutes three times a week; preferably six days.

Get enough Omega 3 fatty acid. Omega – 3s help your body’s neuron connectivity. You can get Omega 3 from supplements, fatty fish like salmon and from certain brands of eggs.

Get enough sleep. If you are not sleeping well then make changes to your routine and environment. Go to bed at the same time every night and make sure that your bedroom is a sanctuary free of clutter and excess noise. Avoid caffeine after 2 p.m. and do not drink alcohol. Take part in relaxing activities before bed such as a warm bath or reading.

Have Fun. Try to make new friends and keep in touch with the ones you already have. Go places with them where you can have a good time. This needs to be face to face, not over the internet and you need to do it regularly. There is no needs for deep conversation just get out there and enjoy other people; the feelings of isolation will fade away.

Published by @INeedMotivation