
Each and every day is a small representation of our entire life. It’s like a tiny window into the evolution of our existence. The way I see it, a day is like a lifetime condensed within a 24 hour period. What we do during those 24 hours, ultimately dictates how our life unfolds.

This simple process is unfortunately lost on most people. We live a lifestyle that doesn’t put importance on the present moment, on today. It’s all about tomorrow, and what we will do tomorrow. For example, let’s say you want to get in shape and be healthy. What are you doing today to be in shape & healthy? Not what you want to do tomorrow, but what are you doing about it right now?

So realistically speaking, as in the example I just mentioned about health, if you are not doing anything to be healthy today, you will not have a healthy life. That’s the strange dichotomy of our time here on Earth. We tend to think of our life as something that happens later. We tend to perceive life as some place we will eventually arrive at. In reality, life is happening right now.

Think of how you are spending your days. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you feeding yourself properly? Are you focused and efficient in your work? The simplest method in assessing how your life is going, is to ponder on what you have been doing within a 24 hour period. A quick peek into this small window can reveal a lot about the unraveling of your life.

It’s what you do today that matters. Sure, it’s wonderful to have goals and have a direction. But that doesn’t mean that you must bypass the present moment. Life is happening now, not tomorrow. One of my favorite quotes is the following:

“If you want to know what you were doing in the past, look at your body now; if you want to know what will happen to you in the future, look at what your mind is doing now.”

This quote speaks so much of the truth. If you find yourself out of shape and overweight, that’s an indication of how you have been spending your days. Therefore, to get the future that you want, you have to be making things happen right now, mentally and then physically.

The same holds true for any aspect of life. It could be your financial situation, or your relationships. We all want to get better and obtain more comfort. But it doesn’t begin at a later date. For example, let’s say you want to quit smoking, and you always say, “tomorrow I will stop”…you will look back on your life at one point and think “wow, I never stopped”. Actions do not happen tomorrow. Actions take place today.

Wrapping your head around this ideology can have a profound impact on your life. Trust me, I speak from experience. I spent years of my life stagnating, wanting to change certain behavioral patterns yet never pulling through. Until, I took a look at how I spent my days, how I used those 24 hours. All the answers were there, crystal clear.

One example I can give you is how I battled insomnia for years. I just couldn’t overcome it. Then, I took a good look at how I spent my days, being fully honest with myself. It is then that I realized all the little things that I was doing that contributed to my insomnia. Once you shed light on such issues, half the battle is won. You just have to be fully truthful with yourself (because some people do not want to change & thus keep lying to themselves, I see this all the time coaching people) for this to work effectively.

In the end, your days truly are a tiny representation of your life. The steps you take today will carve the path of your life. Make sure that you take the appropriate steps that ultimately guide you in the proper direction for your own well being. Remember that life happens today. If you want to overcome your battle of the bulge, it starts today at lunch time, not this weekend. If you want to quit smoking, today is the best day to do it, not tomorrow or next month. If you want to be organized and dedicated, you need to become it right now, not tomorrow, next week, or January 1st.

If you truly want to live a life with fulfillment, with no regrets, and with more joy, this is the only way to truly experience life. If you want to avoid those feelings of “life passing you by”, start today. Start in this very moment. Take action today. Make things happen immediately. Life is happening right now!

Published by admin5057

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