
If you seem to have a lot of goals but not a great deal of progress towards them, you may want to consider ways to achieve more and get more done. There are many things that you can do to improve your productivity:

• Work in the way that makes you the most successful. Some people thrive in a regular job; while others need to be in charge of their own time. Having your own business requires many sacrifices at first, but in the in the end it can be very rewarding.

• If you want to get more done you have to plan. Daily to do lists are a great way to keep you on track. If you are just trying to get a lot done without a plan it can cause major stress problems.

• Learn to work smarter. Working smart means deciding what is important and focusing on those things. Ask yourself everyday if it was your last day on earth, would you want to be doing what you have planned for that day? You will find yourself being much more productive once you get your priorities straight.

• Do not overwhelm yourself, but make sure that you are challenged. If you have too much on your plate you will be prone to anxiety that will cause a severe drop in productivity. You do need to find a balance where you have a little stress to keep you on edge. This is good stress that causes you to push yourself to achieve.

• You are going to have to work hard. As amazing as it sounds, most people do not understand this. You can set as many lofty goals as you want, but if you do not put in the work to back them up you will never achieve your dreams. Very few people ever win the lottery, but many realize their goals with some determination and a little bit of elbow grease.

Published by @INeedMotivation


  1. An insightfull post. Will definitely help.


  2. An insightfull post. Will definitely help.



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