Here is a list of the best selling personal development courses from our friends at Nightingale-Conant. I highly recommend that you check them out if you are looking for quality self help courses that work. You can make a vast difference in your life with this top quality content:
Earl Nightingale Video Classics
How to Have Your Best Year Ever
Lead the Field
Pure Genius
The 5 Essential People Skills
The Best-Kept Secrets of Great Communicators System
The Power to Shape Your Destiny
The Secret of Letting Go
The Ultimate Goals Program
What Do You Really Want for Your Children
Your Miracle Life
Click here for more Self Help & Motivational Courses
When I was in high school, I went to my guidance counselor and asked her what I needed to do to get into a good college. I was probably in the 10th grade at the time. Instead of her telling me to step my game up and do better, she told me to do my best to get out of high school and find a local job in the small town I was from. I wanted to become an author, but I believed her that I wasn’t good enough. Although, I didn’t last long in the small town, I served in the Navy, was a reservation supervisor for a major airline, and a flight attendant. At the age of 35, I’m just now pursing my dream of becoming a writer and author. In order to win, sometimes we have to be told that we are going to fail. Never give up just because someone else doesn’t think you’re good enough. They have no idea what your potential may be, or they know exactly what your potential is and trying to deter you from reaching it.
This is a great list of courses. Thanks for putting it together! The People Skills course caught my eye. I’m really interested in learning more about developing my people skills after reading A Dog’s Advice to Leaders. If you get a chance to check it out, it’s a great read, informative and entertaining at the same time.
This is a great list of courses. Thanks for putting it together! The People Skills course caught my eye. I’m really interested in learning more about developing my people skills after reading A Dog’s Advice to Leaders. If you get a chance to check it out, it’s a great read, informative and entertaining at the same time.