can do attitude

I came across a list of quotes in the back of a book by Napoleon Hill that I wanted to share with you. It’s wisdom quotes on our mind and attitude. It’s quite motivating to go through them:

Good manners begin with a positive mental attitude.

A negative mind never attract happiness or success, except their opposite.

Each brain is an emitter and receptor of vibrations emanating from thoughts.

A well disciplined mind knows very few limits.

Find good in others, and they will find good in you.

Your mind is yours exclusively. Take possession of it, and use it to get what you want out of life.

If your mind can make you sick -and it can- don’t forget that it can also give you health.

One optimist can have more constructive influence than 1000 pessimists.

Worries that we do not feed quickly die of hunger.

Your “real” age, is determined by your attitude, not the number of years.

Your mind is the only element that you control exclusively. Avoid using it for meaningless conversations.

Most diseases begin with a negative mind.

Your brain gets wasted only when you are not using it.

Only an open mind can grow.

In general, pretension indicates precisely an inferiority complex.

Your mind belongs to you, as well as the responsibility to use it well.

Some people always have problems, because their mind is focused on problems & worries. The mind attracts what it entertains.

Focus your mind on what you want out of life, not what you do not want.

Modify your attitude and your environment will change accordingly.

A positive person finds every possible way to succeed. A negative person finds every possible way not to succeed.

If you can’t manage your own attitude, what makes you think you can manage that of others?

Once we close the doors to negative thoughts, a door of opportunity opens up.

You can’t control how others act, but you can control how you react to these acts, and that’s what counts the most for you.

Life is never easy for a person that is bitter in regards to its surroundings.

Never forget that problems go where they are invited.

Enthusiasm makes the wheel of imagination turn.

Published by admin5057

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