Browse over 500 high quality self improvement courses in MP3 format

Choose the titles that fit your needs! Browse our large selection below to find exactly what you are looking for. MP3 Downloads are $19.99 + Instant Access right after payment.

Weight Loss & Diet
Effective Weight Control
Weight Loss
Dieting Aid
Enjoy Healthy Cooking
Healthy Eating
Lose Weight
Portion Control

Mental Enrichment
Activate Right Brain
Calm & Focused
Improve Your Focus
Improve Your Memory
Increase Your IQ
Photographic Memory
Positive Thinking
Spark Creativity
Think Outside The Box
Boost Brain Power
Control Dyslexia
Creative Problem Solving
Develop Inner Artist
Emotional Intelligence
Enhance Willpower
Learn Fast
Improve Focus
Improve Visualization
Improve Your Mood
Mental Toughness
Organize Your Thoughts
Positive Thinking
Read More
Reading Memory
Reality Manifestation

Physical Enrichment
Boost Your Metabolism
Chronic Pain Relief
Control Acne
Chronic Fatigue
Eczema Dermatitis Relief
Heal Scars
Improve Your Health
Increase Muscle Mass
Increase Your Energy
Pain Relief
Perfect Posture
Appease Arthritis Pain
Appease Eczema
Breasts Enlargement
Control Facial Tics
Control Stuttering
Cope With Cancer Pain
Deal With Chronic Pain
Gain Weight
Grow Taller
Improve Your Eyesight
Improve Your Posture
Increase Your Energy
Knee Pain Relief
Pain Relief

Business & Success
Be a Great Entrepreneur
Be a Great Leader
Become Great in Sales
Find Your Dream Job
Interview Success
Be a Great Leader
Be a Great Salesperson
Be a Winner
Deal With Job Loss
Sell Yourself
Work Life Balance
Work Motivation

Health & Wellness
Allergy Release
Asthma help
Banish Colds & Flus
Be Happy
Control Anorexia
Control Bulimia
Coping With Cancer
Feeling Young
Fight Any Disease
Help Hypochondria
Perfect Health
Stroke Recovery
Control Bipolar Disorder
Control Nervous Breakdown
Control Panic Attacks
Deal w/ Body Dysmorphia
Drink More Water
help Migraines
Healthy Lifestyle
High Blood Pressure
Improve Poor Circulation
Live Longer
Natural Anti Aging
Natural Healing
Help Hypochondria
Stay Positive Through Illness
Surgery Preparation

Control Alcohol Addiction
Chocolate Addiction
Computer Addiction
Food Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Porn Addiction
Shopping Addiction
Drug Addiction
Smoking Addiction
Sugar Addiction
Plastic Surgery Addiction
Adrenaline Addiction
Antidepressant Withdrawal
Control Caffeine Addiction
Control Heroin Addiction
Control Sex Addiction
Control Tobacco Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Chocolate Addiction
Food Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Internet Addiction
Masturbation Addiction
Porn Addiction
Shopping Addiction
Stealing Addiction
Videogame Addiction
Help Addictions

Personal Development
Achieve Your Goals
Anger Management
Be Assertive
Be Spontaneous
Develop Sense of Humor
Develop Your Charms
Discover Life Purpose
Embrace Change
Find Patience
Get Motivated!
Get Organized
In The Zone
Instant Decision Making
Learn Detachment
Learn to Love Exercise
Love to Wake Up Early
Love Yourself
Magical Charisma
Make Right Decisions
Help Depression
Help Loss & Sadness
Help Your Grief
Oversome Shyness
Personal Power
Reinvent Yourself
Self Esteem Booster
Self Confidence
Self Discipline
Achieve Your Potential
Anger Management
Be Funny
Be More Assertive
Be More Grateful
Be More Objective
Be More Persuasive
Be More Punctual
Be More Tolerant
Become More Resilient
Believe in Yourself
Control Your Emotions
Cope With a Burn Out
Coping with Disfigurement
Writer’s Block
Declutter Your Life
Deal With a Bully
Deal With Grief
Deal With Overwhelm
Deal With Time Pressure
Dealing With Guilt
Develop Optimism
Don’t Be Distracted
Enjoy Compliments
Enjoy Housework
Express Your Opinion
Find Your Identity
Find Your Passion
Finish What You Start
Gain Determination
Get Organized
Get Out of Comfort Zone
Handle Criticism Well
Have More Compassion
Healthy Body Image
Know Yourself
Learn to Love Exercise
Learn to Say No
Let Go of the Past
Live in the Moment
Love Waking Up Early
Never Give Up
Out of Bed Easily
Help Depression
Help Loss & Sadness
Help Obstacles
Help Self Hate
Help Shyness
Help Social Anxiety
Personal Growth
Put Yourself First
Reach Your Goals
Seize The Day
Self Acceptance
Self Confidence
Stand Up For Yourself
Start Conversations
Take Charge
Time Management
Total Motivation
Try New Things
What Others Think

Relaxation & Sleep
Blissful Sleep
Create Inner Peace
Deep Relaxation
Enjoy Deep Sleep
New Age Meditation
No More Nightmares
No More Stress
Power Nap
Quiet Mind
Release of Negative Energy
Total Relaxation
Ultimate Relaxation
Yoga Breathing
Complete Relaxation
Sleep Walking
Fast Asleep
help Nightmares
Go to Bed Early
Harmony With Nature
Healthy Rest
Ignore Snoring
Inner Calmness
Jetlag Relief
Quiet Mind
Help Insomnia
Help Sleep Talking
Stress Relief

Skill Improvement
Be a Great Listener
Confidence in Teaching
Creative Writing
Driving Exam Success
Exam Success
Language Learning
Academic Performance
Become a Better Driver
Better Communication Skills
Improve Listening Skills
Learn a Language Skills
Reading Mastery
Studying Motivation

Financial & Wealth
Attract Wealth & Success
Money Magnet
Wealth Creation
Deal with Bankruptcy
Develop Millionaire Mind
Save Your Money
Success & Wealth

Bad Habits & Behaviors
Control ADD
Learn to Love Tidiness
No More Worries
OCD help
Help Procrastination
Cracking Knuckles
Hair Pulling
Nail Biting
Nose Picking
Teeth Grinding
Unwanted Thoughts
Bathroom Anxiety
Be Less Greedy
Control Interview Anxiety
Control Road Rage
Control Bulimia
Compulsive Cleaning
Inferiority Complex
Eat Slowly
Compulsive Lying
Victim Mentality
Impulse Control
No Embarrassment
Obsessive Behavior
Help Envy
Help Exam Nerves
Help Homesickness
Help Insecurity
Help Lethargy
Help Midlife Crisis
Help Paranoia
Help Perfectionism
Help Selfishness
Peer Pressure
Self Consciousness
Speak More Clearly
Being Defensive
Being Shy Naked
Binge Eating
Blaming Others
Comparing Yourself
Compulsive Hoarding
Drinking Soda
Eating Fast Food
Emotional Eating
Feeling Down
Feeling Stupid
Feeling Trapped
Foul Language
Hair Pulling
Lip Biting
Negative Thoughts
Nose Picking
Obsessive Thoughts
Popping Pimples
Self Blame
Self Harm
Self Sabotage
Skin Picking
Thinking The Worst
Thumb Sucking
Watch Less TV

Fears & Phobias
Stage Fright
Fear of Bugs
Fear of Clowns
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Death
Fear of Dentist
Fear of Dogs
Fear of Failure
Fear of Ghosts
Fear of Heights
Fear of Planes
Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Rats
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Spiders
Fear of Success
Fear of Water
Fear of Abandonment
Fear of Aging
Fear of Anesthesia
Fear of Animals
Fear of Authority
Fear of Being Alone
Fear of Bridges
Fear of Change
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Confrontation
Fear of Death
Fear of Doctors
Fear of Dogs
Fear of Driving
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Failure
Fear of Flying
Fear of Going Crazy
Fear of Heart Attack
Fear of Heights
Fear of Leaving Home
Fear of Needles
Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Spiders
Fear of Water
Fear of Women
Help Claustrophobia
Social Phobia

Creative Dreaming
Heighten Your Intuition
Past Life Regression
Perfect Lucid Dreams
Recall Your Dreams
Spark Psychic Abilities
Tune In To The Universe
Increase Your Intuition
Increase Your Luck
Help Superstition
Recurring Dream

Personal Relationships
Be a Great Parent
Coping w/ Difficult Child
Develop Your Irresistibility
Embrace Love
Find Forgiveness
Find Your Soul Mate
Healing a Broken Heart
Opposite Sex Confidence
Relationship Healing
Release Your Past
Success in Sex, Dating
Abusive Relationship
Approach Women
Attract Men
Attract Women
Be a Patient Parent
Be More Approachable
Become a Better Lover
Become Popular
Block Negative People
Build Instant Rapport
Control Your Jealousy
Coping w/ Divorce
Create Family Harmony
Wedding Nerves
Dating Confidence
Deal w/ Death of a Child
Deal w/ Partner’s Death
Deal With Infidelity
Easy Small Talk
Empty Nest Syndrome
a Relationship
That Affair
Enjoy Parenthood
Feel Attractive
Feel Connected
Flirting Confidence
Get Over a Relationship
Good First Impression
help Increase Fertility
Increase Female Orgasm
Love Again
Meet New People
Newly Single
Performance Anxiety
Put The Spark Back
Relationship Independence
Relationship Insecurity
Relationship Self Esteem
Save Your Marriage
Sibling Rivalry
Socializing Motivation
Stay Faithful
Choosing Mr. Wrong
Pushing People Away
Success in Dating
Troubled Childhood
Trust Again
Unrequited Love

Sports & Activities
Improve Your Golf Game
Avoid Sports Injury
Be a Team Player
Be More Competitive
Get Better at Football
Gym Motivation
Improve Bodybuilding Skills
Improve Bowling Skills
Improve Dancing Skills
Improve Fishing Skills
Improve Golf Skills
Improve Hunting Skills
Improve Poker Skills
Improve Timing (MMA)
Increase Billiard Skills
Marathon Training
Pre-Game Nerves
Running Endurance
Walk More