
Intuition Hypnosis

Learn to increase your perception of your gut feeling & improve interpretation of your intuition via this hypnosis course. Become more sensitive to information relayed to you via intuition and…


Love Yourself Hypnosis

Learn to appreciate yourself on a higher level through this powerful hypnosis course. Help any resentment, or negative feelings you may harbor about who you are and start accepting the person…


OCD Hypnosis

Are you suffering from some type of obsessive compulsive disorder? This hypnosis course can help the symptoms and behavioral patterns that characterize this disorder. Learn to relax, feel better about…


Listening Skills Hypnosis

Increase your listening skills, all while being completely relaxed and calm. This hypnosis course can help you become a better listener via a soothing, calming environment. Learn to pay attention…


Help Recall Dreams Hypnosis

Do you want to better remember what you dream about? This hypnosis course can help you, through a powerful induction and a relaxation method, to increase your memory abilities when…


Fear Of Rats Hypnosis

Are you terrified of rats, to the point where it haunts you even when not around one? This hypnosis course can help reduce the intensity of your fear. Through full…


Better Health Hypnosis

Lead a healthier lifestyle & make the right choices when it comes to food, activities, sleep and work. This hypnosis course can help you develop better health by transforming your mind and…


Worries Relief Hypnosis

Are you overwhelmed by various worries within your life? This hypnosis course can help you relieve yourself from all that worrying by taking you to a place full of peace,…


Fear Of Rejection Hypnosis

Are you terribly afraid of being rejected? Does this cause you to not take action and pass up on certain opportunities? This hypnosis course can help you help the fear…


Personal Power Hypnosis

Instill within your mind unshakable self confidence, motivation, and self control and watch your success soar to greater heights you never experienced before. This hypnosis course can lit a fire…


Life Purpose Hypnosis

Are you wondering what your purpose is on Earth? This hypnosis course can help uncover what you are really here for and thus make the most out of it. Learn…