
Need some motivation and/or energy when you wake up in the morning? What better way than via some cool wake up songs! Music can definitely help you out, but it needs to be the right song. Now, I wanted to create a very unique and different list. I’m tired of lists with “eye of the tiger”, “I will survive”, and “we are the champions”. Nothing against those songs, but I wanted to modernize this a little bit 🙂 So here is my top 10 cool & unique songs to listen to in the morning, in no particular order:

I tried to include alot of different genres so that there is something to appeal to everyone’s tastes

1- Ray of Light by Madonna
This is such a great morning song. It’s very happy and you can’t help but to be uplifted by it. Although it was released ten years ago in 1998, it still sounds current. It’s one of my favorite songs from Madonna’s best album (IMO).

2- Get Up Offa That Thing by James Brown
I always see his song “I feel good” on motivating song lists, but I figured, there must be an even better song that the Godfather of Soul performed, and let me tell you, this is it! This is such a cool song, that even though is many decades old, could still be a hit today. I really like this one, it’s perfect to wake up to, and click the link to watch the video, it’s really endearing!

3- Rise Up by R. Kelly
This song, I wasn’t too familiar with. I believe it was created in memory of Virginia Tech shooting. After listening to it, I had to include it on this list. Just its message to “rise up, even if you can’t go on” is perfect for anyone that needs inspiration in the morning.

4- Wanna Be Startin’ Something by Michael Jackson
With the recent death of the King of Pop, I have been inclined to rediscover his music, and finding some oldies but goodies! Seriously, this is such a good song that just makes you “wanna start somethin'”, such as dancing! Great way to start your day by doing the Moonwalk!

5- I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff
This song’s version is the best one ever made in my opinion. The beat is much more uplifting and happy than the Johnny Nash version. Plus, with such lyrics as “gonna be a bright, bright sun shiny day” how can you go wrong with waking up with such a song!

6- I’m Alive by Celine Dion
I have to admit, that I am not a huge Celine Dion fan. It’s just not my kind of music, but this song is just perfect for the morning. It’s simple, to the point, and has a great message. Seriously, what better way to start your day than with the thought “I’m alive!” 😉

7- Get Up by Ciara
This is the most current song on this list. For anyone that loves R&B, this is a great song to listen to in the morning. It’s Ciara’s best song so far, and although not full of crazy beats to get you out of bed, it’s sweet and it makes you feel good just listening to it.

8- Get Up by Technotronic
Ok, while browsing on YouTube for Ciara’s song, I came across this gem! For anyone that grew up in the 80’s, you just smile when you hear this song. It’s fun, crazy, very dated, but this is one song that is guaranteed to get you out of bed and moving!

9- Beautiful Day by U2
One of you wrote a comment below mentioning this song, and I couldn’t believe I had overlooked this song on my original list! This is a perfect song to start a brand new day, the right way. Ideal morning song, no question about it 🙂

10 – Every Morning by Sugar Ray
For anyone that is fond of the late 90’s, you can associate the era with this song! This song has such a cool vibe to it, it just flows so well, and it’s made to be a morning song. I wouldn’t be surprised that many radio stations out there play this in their morning rotations. Just a fun song that makes you feel good when you wake up 🙂

Here’s a few songs that I almost added to the top ten:
The Power by Snap
Lose Yourself by Eminem
Everywhere by Bran Van 3000

I’d love to read about your favorite morning songs, so leave some comments about them 🙂

Published by admin5057

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  1. I love this article! I love music!! And that’s another cool wake up song: The O’Jays – I Love Music. Not sure if this one was listed here yet: India.Arie – A Beautiful Day. Looking forward to coming back to hear each & every song & creating a new playlist. Good morning!

  2. Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles

  3. Woking for the Weekend – Loverboy

  4. Matt bianco, get out of your lazy bed, i would play this loud after party nights, my friends would wake up dancing, a great tune for a morning, so jazzy.

  5. Get Up, Stand Up! by Bob Marely of course, that is a great morning song.

  6. Feelin Good by Nina Simone

  7. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor

  8. I always wake up to any of the tunes of one direction. Currently iam waking up to best song ever or live while were young by 1D but you’ll never get up fully until its drums sound everywhere…lol

  9. You Fckn Did it – Jason Mraz
    Living in the Moment – Jason Mraz
    Make it Mine – Jason Mraz
    Live High – Jason Mraz
    Singing my Song – Christina Aguilera
    Birth of a Star – Goddamn Electric Bill
    99 Red Balloons (the version from the Eurotrip Soundtrack)

  10. American Pie by Don Mclean. It’s such a beautiful song and makes me feel so happy inside when I listen to this song in the morning.

  11. Doki Doki Morning by Babymetal

  12. Hi Nice Playlist. i would Add hree little birds by Bob Marley =D

  13. Morning has Broken – Cat Stevens

  14. Bill Withers – Lovely day

    Sublime – what i got

    Stevie Wonder – superstitious

    Fleetwood Mac – Second hand news

    Men at Work – Land Down Under

    Steve Miller Band – Take the money and run

    ZZ Top – Just got paid

    Each one of these songs wakes me right the hell up because i’ll be rocking out before im out the door.

  15. I currently wake up to “I’m Alive” by Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews
    And I have the Avrett Brothers (Avett?) singing “I’m a Hard, Hard Worker Every Day!” as my “get ready to leave” alarm.

  16. “Good Morning, Good Morning” by The Beatles. That one’s in my iHome alarm clock’s rotation and it starts you off with a rooster crowing.

    “Good Day Sunshine” by The Beatles. Bouncy but mellow.

    “Get Up” by R.E.M.

  17. Regret, New Order
    The Goonies, Cindy Lauper
    Like a prayer, Madonna
    Always, Bon Jovi

  18. “Brand New Day” by Ryan Star
    “Titanium” by David Guetta will fill you up with energy for sure

  19. A Mozart Adagio – I’d suggest Piano Concerto #21 (2nd Movement) or the Clarinet Concerto (2nd Movement)

  20. Morning Train by Sheena Easton

  21. I used to wake up to “Kill The Poor” by Dead Kennedys every day at 6:50AM. Quite an exhilirating morning wakeup I gotta say.

  22. Kate Bush – Aerial – Prologue ( )
    Mum – Finally We Are No-one – Green Grass of Tunnel ( )
    Daft Punk – Tron Legacy – Solar Sailor ( )
    Mark Knopfler – Local Hero – Smooching ( )
    Rage Against The Machine – Rage Against The Machine – Wake Up ( )
    ELO – Out of the Blue – Mr. Blue Sky ( )

  23. My favorite one is rise by r.Kelly I love it

  24. honestly for wake up songs after a bit of search I choose. But everyone has his own tastes ofc :p

    N.O.H.A. – Tu Cafe

    Aaradhna – Wake Up

    Bad Beach – Havana Loca

  25. Birth of a Star-Goddamn Electric Bill

    Your Welcome

  26. This goes back a long way, but so do I:

    “Good Morning” by the Steve Miller Band. It was never a hit, but was my favorite song on their album Number 5.

  27. Verve – Lucky man

    It has a nice intro to wake you up nice and slowly 🙂

  28. I wake up to “You Think I Ain’t Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A Millionaire” (aka “Millionaire”) by Queens of The Stone Age.

    If you’re not awake just before the verse comes in, you will be…

  29. It’s A Beautiful Day – Michael Bublé

  30. “wake up everybody” by Harold Melvin & the Bluenotes (Teddy Pendergrass)

    “Let the Day Begin” by The Call

    “Sleepwalk” by just about everybody but I like Joe Satriani’s cover the best.

  31. morning glory – oasis 🙂

  32. i dont know much by aaron neville and some lady 😀

  33. I agree with Beautiful Day by U2 and Every Morning by Sugar Ray. I am still listening to these songs almost every day.

  34. Maroon 5 “never gonna leave this bed”


    Have you listened to Eric Ethan’s “Good Morning Girl”? I recommend it for the morning..

  36. “Wake Up” by Coheed and Cambria

  37. My wake up playlist consists of:
    The Fighter-Gym class Heroes (Starts off with Just waking up in the morning)
    Beautiful Day-U2
    Perfect Day-Hoku
    Then The Morning Comes-Smash mouth
    Countdown-Jupiter One
    Your The Best-Karate Kid Soundtrack (come on guys! Great song!!)
    Eye Of The Tiger-Survivor (Another energizing classic)
    Start Me Up-The Rolling Stones
    Awake My Soul-Mumford & Sons
    I’m Coming Out-Diana Ross (Nothing like a trumpet to get you moving.)

    My playlist is a strange mix of genres, But it works for me.

  38. Beautiful-BY The Great legendary rapper “EMINEM”

  39. Till I collapse-EMINEM
    Rabbit Run-Eminem

  40. Keep on Movin’ – Five

    I woke up today with this feeling
    That better things are coming my way (way)
    And if the sunshine has a meaning
    Telling me not to let things get in my way

  41. Best forever Tycho – A Walk

  42. I recently started waking up to ‘Whip It’ bt Devo. It’s a really fun song with a kick that personally gets me energized early in the morning 🙂

    Mainly for women I would reccomend ‘Venus’ by Bananarama simply because I feel it’s a fast based song that boosts my self-esteem when I personally am having a bad day, I reckon listening to it first thing in the morning would help as well!

  43. umm… superhero

  44. For a little retro, add these:

    Wake Up, Little Susie – The Everly Brothers
    Red Rubber Ball – Cyrkle
    Good Morning, Starshine – Donovan
    We Built This City – Starship
    Wake Up – Alanis Morrissette

    I’ll definitely add a few I’ve found from the comments to mine.

  45. I love to play INNA – Sun is up
    Works like maggic 🙂

  46. by Switchfoot

    “This Is Your Life”

    Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
    Yesterday is a promise that you’ve broken
    Don’t close your eyes, don’t close your eyes
    This is your life and today is all you’ve got now
    Yeah, and today is all you’ll ever have
    Don’t close your eyes
    Don’t close your eyes

    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be?
    When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

    Yesterday is a kid in the corner
    Yesterday is dead and over

    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be?
    When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

    Don’t close your eyes
    Don’t close your eyes
    Don’t close your eyes
    Don’t close your eyes

    This is your life are you who you want to be?
    This is your life are you who you want to be?

    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, are you who you want to be?
    This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
    When the world was younger and you had everything to lose

    And you had everything to lose

  47. Love of my Life (Worldwide Underground) – Erykah Badu –

    Keep going, Keep Going, Don’t cha give up, keep going..
    If you’re not ready… you’d better get y’self together…
    Funk you up, we gon’ funk you up…

  48. Aloe Blacc – You Make Me Smile

    This tune ALWAYS puts me in a good mood. =)


  49. Heyyy I wanted to write and say I enjoyed reading your blog!

  50. good day-nappy roots
    Come on guys.

  51. a day in the life- easy star all stars

  52. wake up and smell the coffee – the cranberries, also ; ode to my family , i’m still rememberring and just my imagination

  53. sorry this is maria again and by the way i go to a.j. ferrel magnet middle school and work for their newspaper and wanted to use your comments for my paper.
    please send messages to this site to me if you have any questions.

  54. Hey i am a student that goes to school at a.j. ferrell and would recomd to all those people who just cant get enough of your fave kind of musi to get an ipod or mp3 player.just my thought because i love the song tik tok by ke$ha and i got an mp3 and now i wake up to it every morning.

  55. pump up the jam – technotronic
    bring me to life – evanescence

  56. Two of my favorites 1st of the Month by Bones Thugs-n-Harmony, cracks me up first thing. Also I like “I’ve Got You Babe’ sonny and Cher. Think Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray. ha!



  58. Love your play list. Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are is a happy morning song.

  59. my alarm clock additions:

    “Ride on Time” – Black Box
    “Gotta Get Up” – Asher Roth
    “Wake Up Jeff” – The Wiggles
    “Everybody Get Up” – Five
    “Keep on Moving” -Five (0min:43sec)
    “The Wake Up Song” – Space Ghost Coast to Coast
    “Wake Up” – Lazytown
    “Wake Up Everybody” – John Legend & The Roots
    “Chop Suey” – System of a Down

  60. Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves – I recommend this one to everyone!

  61. How about any of the numerous beatles songs??
    Like Good Day sunshine or Good morning Good morning or even better Here comes the sun:). For me its anything beatles haha but these ones have the “morning feel”;)

  62. shhhhhhhhhhh google is random

  63. Well, I like slow and easy tunes when waking up.

    Nowadays I use Jason Mraz – Make it Mine.
    Before for a long time Coldplay – Clocks was my favorite

  64. thanks for the suggestions everyone
    some on my alarm clock playlist are:

    kid cudi – highs n lows
    barbara – pursuit of happiness
    james blake – cmyk ep
    azari & III – reckless for your love (tensnake remix)

  65. I love the fact that you have Get Up by Ciara on here. I’ve always felt like it was a feel good, get ready and go song to start the day. It’s something about the beat.

  66. here comes the sun – the beatles …….always lifts me up

  67. They are very harmonious (sp)

  68. First of the month – Bone thugs ~n~ Harmony

  69. Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson

  70. i like boggie wonder land – earth wind and fire

  71. These are not really songs which are good to wake up to, they’re just songs you like. I like to wake up to “Two cigarettes in an ash tray” by the late great Patsy Cline. I neither smoke or like the song, but it has the magic ingredient to make it a great waking up song. Try it, and you wont understand.

  72. I come here for motovation and you have nice music, I need to here a lot lady ga ga it inspires me to work harder and mor efishent if you can do that for me Iwould like that. If there is a lady present you are doing a fine job. I would like to boost your ratings up if you don’t mind.

  73. Anna Margaret – Something About The Sunshine

  74. I like to begin my day with gratitude. It helps me put my life into perspective. It seems things go more smoothly than if I just jump into the day. So, before I move into those “high-energy-I-can-do-anything” feel good songs, I like to close my eyes and feel gratitude and Divine guidance through the following three spiritual songs:
    “Thank You Lord” by Bob Marley and
    “How Great Thou Art” by Elvis Presley
    “Hallelujah” by K.D. Lang
    And the following good ole’ hand clapping gospel song is a good segue into high-energy motivational songs and helps me remember that my purpose is to be a light in this world through my work and creative talents:
    “This Little Light of Mine” by Awesome

  75. 4 non blondes-whats up

  76. Mr Pookie – Smoke one i wake up to every morning

  77. Great list
    I would add Culture Club – Karma Chamelion
    waking up in a good mood xD

  78. i think the maddona one waz goode to wake up to

  79. Mary, Mary – “Get up!”

  80. Haha sugar ray…that's awesome.

    Anyway, my top songs list:

    *You Shook Me All Night Long: AC/DC
    *Crocodile Rock: Elton John
    *Give Up The Funk: Parliament
    *Sticks and Stone: Jonsi
    *Love Train: S Club 7

    All of those are great and get your feet tapping 😉 Impossible to not wake up to Love Train–I haven't found anything better in over 10 years! 😀 It's super energetic.

  81. From Brazil/San Paulo – Thanks !! Cool songs!!! Um Bom dia!

  82. Here's one to know: Brand New Day by Eurythmics

  83. It's a new day

  84. I second Perfect Day by Hoku from Legally Blonde soundtrack. How inspiring to hear “on this perfect day, nothings standing in my way..”

  85. I LOVED THIS POST, you totally hit in on the head, thanks

  86. wrenegade what a shout you've got to go with the beatles,
    Good Day, Sunshine and Here comes the Sun

  87. MORNING GLORY!!!! One of my favorite Oasis songs. Or you could go with
    THE SHOCK OF THE LIGHTNING, a newer Oasis gem. Or even
    ENOUGH'S ENOUGH, a feisty Jamie Lidell song from the album Compass.

  88. Watermelon Man (the one with the african beat in the beginning)
    Maynard Ferguson's version of Chameleon
    Will Smith's Summertime (yeah I went there)
    Just a few I would like to wake up too..they make ya feel good in the morning I guess

  89. I Need To Wake Up by Melissa Etheridge. It's a good morning song. It's the theme song from the documentary “Uninconvenient Truth”.

  90. Great list. Some were new for me also!

  91. I like Ray of Light as well. Its like light is penetrating into you giving you energy for the day.

  92. good songs off the hook

  93. Interesting songs we certainly look to add those to my ipod too!

    I have an inspirational playlist I listen to on a regular basis and I'll share with you my top 10 from it.

    1. R-Kelly- I believe I can fly
    2. Jimmy Cliff- You Can Get It
    3. Michael Jackson- Man In The Mirror
    4. Tina Turner- Simply The Best
    5. Queen- We are the champions
    6. R-Kelly- The World's Greatest
    7. Nas- I Can.
    8. Celine Dion – I'm Alive
    9. R Kelly- Rise Up
    10. John Legend- Dare to Dream

  94. When my oldest daughter was having a difficult time getting up, I use to wake her up with “Beautiful” by Carole King. It worked and gave her a positive outlook on herself for the day. She still uses the song to get her up most mornings.

  95. Forgot to say, the 3.37 version of Wake Up Boo! – it starts off lull then the radio edit version kicks in after 30 seconds just in case you need some help to get that head off the pillow!

  96. Forgot to say, the 3.37 version of Wake Up Boo! – it starts off lull then the radio edit version kicks in after 30 seconds just in case you need some help to get that head off the pillow!

  97. Forgot to say, the 3.37 version of Wake Up Boo! – it starts off lull then the radio edit version kicks in after 30 seconds just in case you need some help to get that head off the pillow!

  98. Wake up Boo! – The Boo Radleys

  99. Wake up Boo! – The Boo Radleys

  100. Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield
    Don’t Stop Believin’- Journey
    Get Up- Superchick
    Reach- Caleigh Peters
    Reachin’ for Heaven- Diana DeGarmo

  101. Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield
    Don’t Stop Believin’- Journey
    Get Up- Superchick
    Reach- Caleigh Peters
    Reachin’ for Heaven- Diana DeGarmo

  102. up up and away by kid cudi off the album man on the moon:the end of day

    also known as the wake n bake song

    if that doesnt get me up, james brown is next on my playlist with get up

  103. up up and away by kid cudi off the album man on the moon:the end of day

    also known as the wake n bake song

    if that doesnt get me up, james brown is next on my playlist with get up

  104. metallica – one

    is the best sogn to wake up to

    it starts off with a soft acoustic guitar. if that doesnt wake you up after like 2 miuenutes it turns into hard metal to shake you awaek. its woken me up everytday for like the last 3 years./ i am seriously fukcing durnk merry christmas

  105. metallica – one

    is the best sogn to wake up to

    it starts off with a soft acoustic guitar. if that doesnt wake you up after like 2 miuenutes it turns into hard metal to shake you awaek. its woken me up everytday for like the last 3 years./ i am seriously fukcing durnk merry christmas

  106. I’ve been waking up to “turn my swag on” by soulja boy for the past few months until I noticed that I was waking up with headaches. Lol, it’s great for heavy sleepers like me who deal with moderate background noise (like a tv, sounds of the city, railroad). It literally starts with “hop up out the bed” but I just kept pressing snooze as fast as I could and rolling back over. Only songs with a big intro get me up, I always sleep through songs that fade in. Glad I came here to find some new, inspiring (and shockingly obvious) songs!

  107. I’ve been waking up to “turn my swag on” by soulja boy for the past few months until I noticed that I was waking up with headaches. Lol, it’s great for heavy sleepers like me who deal with moderate background noise (like a tv, sounds of the city, railroad). It literally starts with “hop up out the bed” but I just kept pressing snooze as fast as I could and rolling back over. Only songs with a big intro get me up, I always sleep through songs that fade in. Glad I came here to find some new, inspiring (and shockingly obvious) songs!

  108. I think a good thing to wake up to is the song “Wake Up” by The Arcade Fire on the album Funeral.

  109. I think a good thing to wake up to is the song “Wake Up” by The Arcade Fire on the album Funeral.

  110. Saturday Morning – Eels

  111. Saturday Morning – Eels

  112. Gimme some lovin’- G love and special sauce
    Still Fightin it-Ben Folds
    Keep it together-Guster
    Strange Magic-Electric Light Orchestra
    Get us Stand up- Bob Marley

    These are a few of my favs. Most of them lul you out of bed

  113. Gimme some lovin’- G love and special sauce
    Still Fightin it-Ben Folds
    Keep it together-Guster
    Strange Magic-Electric Light Orchestra
    Get us Stand up- Bob Marley

    These are a few of my favs. Most of them lul you out of bed

  114. Good Day, Sunshine by the Beatles. . . Here comes the Sun also by them… 60s style wakeup fun!

  115. Good Day, Sunshine by the Beatles. . . Here comes the Sun also by them… 60s style wakeup fun!

  116. I used to wake up to “Santeria” by Sublime every morning in college. It was just energetic enough to get me out of the bed, but mellow enough that I still woke up in a good mood every morning.

  117. I used to wake up to “Santeria” by Sublime every morning in college. It was just energetic enough to get me out of the bed, but mellow enough that I still woke up in a good mood every morning.

  118. Kanye West – Good Morning
    Bob Marley – Three Little Birds

    These are my wake-up tunes (:

  119. Kanye West – Good Morning
    Bob Marley – Three Little Birds

    These are my wake-up tunes (:

  120. Oh, ‘Beautiful Day’ is definitely one. But I think ‘Countdown’ by Jupiter One has something going for it. After all, the refrain is this…
    “Hey now, wake up!
    It’s a beatiful day
    Hey now, look up!
    You’re always turning away.
    Are you falling asleep.
    Hey now, wake up!
    Are you looking away?
    Hey now, look up!
    Are you watching?
    It’s a brand new day and you shouldn’t be fading away.
    And so it begins…”

    And there’s a lot to be said for the way they sing this song too. I think that helps me just love it all the more. Not only that, ‘Send Me On My Way’ by Rusted Roots is a winner. But that could be because of Matilda and Ice Age. 🙂

  121. Oh, ‘Beautiful Day’ is definitely one. But I think ‘Countdown’ by Jupiter One has something going for it. After all, the refrain is this…
    “Hey now, wake up!
    It’s a beatiful day
    Hey now, look up!
    You’re always turning away.
    Are you falling asleep.
    Hey now, wake up!
    Are you looking away?
    Hey now, look up!
    Are you watching?
    It’s a brand new day and you shouldn’t be fading away.
    And so it begins…”

    And there’s a lot to be said for the way they sing this song too. I think that helps me just love it all the more. Not only that, ‘Send Me On My Way’ by Rusted Roots is a winner. But that could be because of Matilda and Ice Age. 🙂

  122. A real fun song

    Smash Mouth-Then The Morning Comes

  123. A real fun song

    Smash Mouth-Then The Morning Comes

  124. muse – supermassive black hole
    a new found glory – happy together
    aqua – good morning sunshine
    lenny kravitz – are u gonna go my way
    los lobos – la bamba
    are my favourite wake-up songs. and also i love listening to bachata songs for the morning. they make me feel like dancing.. a good way to start the day happily..
    aventura – alexandra
    aventura – quando volveras

  125. muse – supermassive black hole
    a new found glory – happy together
    aqua – good morning sunshine
    lenny kravitz – are u gonna go my way
    los lobos – la bamba
    are my favourite wake-up songs. and also i love listening to bachata songs for the morning. they make me feel like dancing.. a good way to start the day happily..
    aventura – alexandra
    aventura – quando volveras

  126. “Beautiful Day” by U2
    ‘Following the sun” by Enigma
    “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits

    These are my favourite songs for a morning run.

  127. “Beautiful Day” by U2
    ‘Following the sun” by Enigma
    “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits

    These are my favourite songs for a morning run.

  128. “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers… Listen to it and TRY to disagree that this does not make one of THE best wake up tunes of all time!

  129. “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers… Listen to it and TRY to disagree that this does not make one of THE best wake up tunes of all time!

  130. ‘6 in the morning’ by D12 from the album D12 World. This song always gets me up & singing along

  131. ‘6 in the morning’ by D12 from the album D12 World. This song always gets me up & singing along

  132. I like your list, though I would have made room for the Lose Yourself and Everywhere. It might not be that original, but my number 1 favorite track to wake up to is Time by Pink Floyd. Starts with the bells and chimes, then chills out and builds again. By the time (no pun) that seven minutes is over, I’m good for another day.

    Another track I’m putting on my wakeup playlist is C’mon C’mon by The Von Bondies.

  133. I like your list, though I would have made room for the Lose Yourself and Everywhere. It might not be that original, but my number 1 favorite track to wake up to is Time by Pink Floyd. Starts with the bells and chimes, then chills out and builds again. By the time (no pun) that seven minutes is over, I’m good for another day.

    Another track I’m putting on my wakeup playlist is C’mon C’mon by The Von Bondies.

  134. Rise & Shine by The Cardigans, Breathe in by Frou Frou, No I in Threesome by Interpol and When You Were Young by The Killers, in that order. Seems to do it!

  135. Rise & Shine by The Cardigans, Breathe in by Frou Frou, No I in Threesome by Interpol and When You Were Young by The Killers, in that order. Seems to do it!

  136. Perfect Day by Hoku
    It makes me want to go out and do everything possible in the day!

  137. Perfect Day by Hoku
    It makes me want to go out and do everything possible in the day!

  138. Boston – More Than a Feeling

  139. Boston – More Than a Feeling

  140. for some odd reason the song When You Were Young by The Killers always makes me feel motivated in the morning and gets me ready fora new day!

  141. for some odd reason the song When You Were Young by The Killers always makes me feel motivated in the morning and gets me ready fora new day!

  142. Who needs sleep by the barenaked ladies

    Even the title makes me feel like wakeing up

  143. Who needs sleep by the barenaked ladies

    Even the title makes me feel like wakeing up

  144. Some Kinda Wonderful by the short-lived band “Sky” I’ve always loved. We played this song at our wedding and it always picks me up.

  145. Some Kinda Wonderful by the short-lived band “Sky” I’ve always loved. We played this song at our wedding and it always picks me up.

  146. My favorite morning song is “Beautiful Morning” by The Rascals. I’ve loved it since I was a kid, and it’s always on my list of feel-good-tunes and morning-music.

  147. My favorite morning song is “Beautiful Morning” by The Rascals. I’ve loved it since I was a kid, and it’s always on my list of feel-good-tunes and morning-music.

  148. Praise you -fat boy slim . I often listen to that one to motivate my self , in the morning afternoon or night.

  149. Praise you -fat boy slim . I often listen to that one to motivate my self , in the morning afternoon or night.


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