
A weakened immune system makes it difficult for your body to fight off common colds and cases of the flu when they’re being passed around. Following are some easy ways to stay healthy both physically and mentally.

Get enough rest:

This not only includes getting more sleep, but also avoiding too much stress. Studies show that as many as 75% of all adults are under moderate to severe stress on a daily basis. This constant state of pressure has your body pumping out chemicals since it believes you’re ready to fight or flee! Over time it can cause you to feel rundown and leaves you wide open to the next cold or flu bug that comes around. Needless worry and inefficient busyness cause most stress.

Your body also needs sleep in order to recharge its batteries, heal and strengthen itself. Getting less than 8 hours of sleep each night is one of the quickest ways to weaken the immune system. If you think about all you do during the day, you owe your body the rest it needs to recover and replenish itself.

Get enough food:

Believe it or not, many people in the US, Australia, England, and many other thriving countries are malnourished. Although they may get plenty of food, they aren’t eating the right types. Prepackaged foods that are tossed in the microwave and fast foods have replaced healthy homemade meals.

It’s true that we have more responsibilities and less time in our lives to cater to a three-course meal each night, but over time refined flours, sugar, and too much fat will show up in your body in various ways—the immune system is one of the first that’s affected.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to add more citrus fruits, garlic, and green vegetables to your diet. These are all high in immune-boosting vitamins. By replacing just one meal a day with a green salad and orange (for example) you’ll not only find that you get sick far less often, but your waistline will shrink as well!

Get the right supplements:

Whenever you want to boost your immune system think of ACE. These three supplements: Vitamins A, C, and E, go a long way in not only strengthening your immune system, but they can also help to ward off other problems such as a heart attack. In fact, studies show that by taking just 400IU of vitamin E a day can reduce your risk of heart attack by as much as 50%!

Also, a good multi-vitamin is a must for anyone who doesn’t eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Laughter is the best medicine:

People who are optimistic and laugh on a regular basis have stronger immune systems and happier lives. Try looking on the bright side of things more often. Watch a comedy at least once a week and try to go to more stand-up comedy shows. Subscribe to a “Joke of the Day” site where they send a text to your phone or email right to your inbox. Most of all, don’t take things so seriously. Laugh at your mistakes and shortcomings. You’ll take a huge load off your ego and give a health booster shot to your immune system in the process.

Prevention is always the best medicine and keeping your immune system healthy shouldn’t be difficult. It’s simply a matter of swapping some old habits for new ones.

Published by @INeedMotivation


  1. Diet Wise?

    What about exercise? Does it boost your immune system?

  2. Food is really essential if you want to work out. I remember last semester working out 3 times in the same week where I took a few red-bulls and cheated myself of a good night sleep…and I wondered why I crashed with a horrible cold the next week.

  3. Food is really essential if you want to work out. I remember last semester working out 3 times in the same week where I took a few red-bulls and cheated myself of a good night sleep…and I wondered why I crashed with a horrible cold the next week.


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