There is much joy to be derived in life from making others happy. You can really change the way your day is going by changing the way someone else’s is going. Here is how to put a smile on your face by putting a smile on someone else’s.
• Tell them thank you. This is one of the most appreciated gestures there is.
• Give them flowers. A simple way to brighten up anyone’s day and home.
• Make them a delicious meal. You would be surprised at how many people rarely get a home cooked meal.
• Bake cupcakes. These always put a smile on peoples’ faces.
• Ask them how they are doing. People just need to talk sometimes.
• Tell them a joke. Laughter really is the best medicine, especially for a gloomy day.
• Smile at them. People smile when they see smiles; it is contagious.
• Give them a hug. Sometimes people just need to know someone else cares.
• Praise them where other people can hear. Raising someone’s self esteem is sure to make them glow.
• Say I love you. When you love someone you should tell them often.
• Do their chores. Sacrificing your own time for someone else’s happiness is very noble.
• If they need a babysitter do it for them. Sometimes people just need to get away.
• When someone is having a rough day, bring them lunch. You can show them you really care with their favorite lunch and hopefully take off some of the pressure.
• Give them some movie tickets. Everybody loves the movies; this works especially well if there is something they have been dying to see coming out in the theaters.
• Be happy. Just like smiles, happiness is contagious.
• Help them carry something heavy. They always say that your real friends will help you move.