A vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat. A more strict form of vegetarian, called a vegan, does not eat any animal products. This includes milk, eggs and honey. Both forms of vegetarianism have benefits for your health and your soul.
• Eating a diet based around whole grains, beans, healthy oils, fruits and vegetables can have significant benefits to your body. You lower your risk for heart disease, cancer and obesity. Keep in mind that if your replace meat with high fat cheese and pop tarts; you will not reap these benefits.
• A vegetarian diet can save your money. Beans and legumes are far less expensive than meat. Replacing meat in your meals and recipes with beans significantly cuts the cost of your weekly grocery bill. One caveat to this is prepackaged vegetarian alternatives. Veggie burgers are really tasty and very nutritious, but they are more expensive than whole, natural foods. You do not have to avoid pre-packaged vegetarian food all together; just do not eat them at every meal.
• You will feel better about yourself because you will no longer have the guilt of eating another living thing. Many people turn to vegetarianism because they do not like the way animals are treated or they do not like the idea of another living thing dying just so that they can have a hamburger. This burden will be lifted from your conscience when you switch to a no meat diet.
You can make a positive change in how you feel about yourself and the world around you by eating a vegetarian diet. Your body will feel better and you will find a new respect for living things. Increased energy is a great advantage of a healthy well balanced diet free of most animal fats. Increased good feelings come when you realized that you are no longer killing other living creatures so that you can live your life as you choose.