Becoming who you want to be doesn’t happen overnight, it takes lots of work and dedication. To do so there are a few tricks that can help you become a better person. I started the process very young and discovered over the years that it was a lot harder than anticipated. Here are a few tricks that I have learned over the last decade on how to change internally and what needs to be done to achieve our goals.
Find your role model
Find someone you consider your role model, a person that you look up too and believe in. We all do this unconsciously, but try to see who fits the perfect personality you really want to be. If you remember when you were a kid, I am sure you had a friend or someone in school you envied, you wanted to be like them, act like they did. It’s very normal to take parts of other people’s personality and use it for ourselves, for example we all have some mannerism from our parents.
Once you found that person try to see what he/she does to be who you want to be, learn from their manners and work toward becoming a little bit like them.
The next questions is very important; How do I change parts of my personality ?
To do so I suggest conditioning yourself. For example if your role model has a nice vocabulary and you would love to get that attribute start listening to high quality shows or quality news broadcast. (stay away from Fox and CNN, try BBC) Read books that are well written (normally British books have more proper English than anything American made). Secondly, learn from the internet. I am sure you can find a list using Google of proper words or sentences. This is just one example, I am sure you imagine ways to apply this to your own needs.
Observe yourself and be critical of what you do
This point needs to be taken lightly but you still need to apply it for improvements to show. Try to analyze what and how you do things and see how you could change them, find replacements for your bad habits. At the end of the day think about the situations you lived and see what you could have change. ( You can do this “live” without having to wait, this all depends on your mental ability). For example if you keep swearing and you really want to stop, try to always be conscious of what you say and each time you are about to swear “censor” yourself. At first, this will be difficult but after a while you will be able to self censor your sentences. Another good trick is to replace these words by something less provocative. I personally don’t believe in patching a problem but fixing it to the source. It’s very important to be logical and not too hard on yourself, remember the process can take months if not years.
Knowledge is the key
The more knowledge you have about the changes you want to do the easier it will be for you to achieve your goals. The saying “Knowledge is Power” is very true. Never stop self educating yourself about life, love, relationships and everything that can be useful to you. You can never know too much and there is always more you can learn.
With all the new knowledge you gain you can then use it to built the personality that you desire.
I hope this helps you walk the long path of self change. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments!