The first thing you must do is get out of bed in the morning.
Set your alarm clock and roll out when the bell rings. Roll out, and will have overcome your first challenge of the day— yourself.
Rolling out of bed is one method. For more stubborn sleepers, hang your legs off the edge of the mattress and let gravity do the rest.
What you must NOT do is debate with yourself whether you should go back to sleep. You are not reliable enough to be entrusted with such a decision. Roll out of bed or use the gravity method before you have time to enter into a debate with yourself.
The next thing you must do is implement the following two strategies:
Practice: Lay down on your bed during normal daytime hours. Set your alarm for one-minute hence. Close your eyes. When the bell rings, roll out of bed or use the gravity method. Repeat for ten repetitions every day until getting up becomes automatic.
Incentivize: Enjoy a long, leisurely morning shower. Eat a delicious breakfast. Play beautiful music over your sound system. Read the morning paper. Have great sex. Even move the computer closer to your bed, if you must. Make getting out of bed in the morning a pleasure.
You can do it.
This article was written by Campbell Venn