1. There are various financial services in the market that offer credit card debt management for people who are not able to manage their multiple credit card debts. Hopefully people can find the help they need to eliminate debt. Thanks for the info!

  2. There are various financial services in the market that offer credit card debt management for people who are not able to manage their multiple credit card debts. Hopefully people can find the help they need to eliminate debt. Thanks for the info!

  3. That’s it….once you change your philosophy that it’s not free money because you pay later….it changes completely how you use the card and turns you from someone that pays interest to someone that can gain from using a credit card.

  4. My philosphy is very simple if I do not have the cash in the bank to pay it off right away I do not charge..

  5. My philosphy is very simple if I do not have the cash in the bank to pay it off right away I do not charge..


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