How much better would you feel if you could stop procrastinating? Imagine the guilt and anxiety you could release right here and now by simply doing what needs to be done! Sometimes it’s not that easy though, is it? We have many reasons for procrastinating. Some of the most common are avoiding the task because it’s difficult, boring, or time consuming. Perhaps you’re afraid to fail, or even afraid of succeeding. Whatever your reason for procrastination, when you don’t get things done it makes you feel bad. Here are some simple ways to stop procrastinating.

1. Each day make a list of things you need to do. Write down everything big and small. Now, put them in order of importance. As you accomplish each task, cross it off the list. Many times, seeing just how many things you actually do get done is incentive enough to keep going. Even if you don’t cross off the whole list, you still have a sense of satisfaction at getting the most important things finished first.

2. If you’re facing a big project break it down into smaller pieces and tackle each small chore in turn. It’s less overwhelming than trying to tackle a huge project all at once.

3. Do one or two easy or enjoyable tasks first. Since humans work on mental and physical inertia, once you get moving you can usually stay moving. By choosing something simple or enjoyable first it helps to get the ball rolling.

4. Set a deadline for the project. Knowing you need or want something completed by a certain time is often enough motivation to get the job done.

5. Write down some motivational quotes on Post-its and stick them to your computer or anywhere you’ll look at them often. Change the quotes daily or at least weekly. After awhile you’ll get used to seeing them and they won’t have as much impact.

6. Imitate successful people. Think of someone you admire and you feel is successful. This can be a friend or a public figure. Ask yourself how they got to be successful. Would they procrastinate? Or would they get the job done and move onto something else?

We’re all guilty of putting things off at times, but by following these simple tips to overcome procrastination you’ll find that you’re happier, more productive, and life goes along more smoothly.

Published by @INeedMotivation


  1. Start listing out (yes in writing) to yourself all the benefits that will come from completing the task. Feel the feeling of actually achieving it and having it done. Surround yourself with the feeling of accomplishment and picture the victory in your mind. .

  2. Hi Kelly,

    Great advice. List-making helps me to conquer procrastination. When I have a list staring back at me I get right to it. I give myself 30 min to 2 hour blocks to complete each task and try to keep to the set time frame as much as possible.

    Thanks for sharing your insight 🙂


  3. Hi Kelly,

    Great advice. List-making helps me to conquer procrastination. When I have a list staring back at me I get right to it. I give myself 30 min to 2 hour blocks to complete each task and try to keep to the set time frame as much as possible.

    Thanks for sharing your insight 🙂


  4. Hhaving a list and prioritizing it definitely helps, but unless you have some strong reason for getting things done, even with a list, you may not even get started.

  5. Hhaving a list and prioritizing it definitely helps, but unless you have some strong reason for getting things done, even with a list, you may not even get started.


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