the now watch

I came across this very neat item the other day, and I liked it alot! For any of you who have read some of my articles on this blog, I think it’s fairly obvious from my writing that I am a huge advocate for living in the moment. What better way to remind yourself that no matter what time it is, it is NOW…the perfect moment to grasp life with your bare hands and enjoy every moment of it.

As you can see, it has a very nice design and it would make a great gift to anyone that you might know that needs to live in the present moment. Visualization is key to success, in whatever it is that you might do, and what better way to keep the visual of living in the moment than to have it right in your face every time you take a look at your watch. I think it’s a clever idea!

I spoke with Adam, the creator of The Now Watch the other day and there are plans to expand into other items such as wall clocks for example, which would be a great addition to any office setting.

The Now Watch is not an expensive item to own. For $45.00 it is all yours! If you would like to order The Now Watch for yourself or any friend you might have that needs to live right “now” instead of being stuck in the past or worried about the future, click here and get a gift that can make a viable difference!

now watch

Published by admin5057

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  1. Steven Tyler has been wearing one on his Aerosmith Tour…..

  2. I am also looking for this watch

  3. I love this watch and *cannot* find it!! As Tao wrote, couldn’t find it on Armitron either. Hundreds of watches! Please advise. Thank you!

  4. hmmm does anyone kNow where to get them these days – Armitron website not very helpful re contact details… 🙂


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