You can make your financial health better with a few simple tricks. These will not work for everyone, but try a few and then try a few more:
• Use cash. If you do not have the paper money to buy something, then do not buy it. Make credit cards a no-no for anything other than emergencies.
• Save a little money every week. Once a week transfer twenty dollars into your savings account. You really will not miss it and after while it really starts to add up. Pretty soon you will not need the credit card for emergencies anymore.
• Stay at home. Going out costs a lot of money. When you go to the mall to shop you have to stop and eat; and then you have to buy gas for the car. Find fun things to do at home with your family.
• Put and end to catalogs and emails that are soliciting your business. You will be much less likely to buy if things are not constantly being thrust in your face.
• Do not buy anything except the necessities. If you want something other than a necessity, put it on a list with the date. Once thirty days is up you can buy it. Chances are you really will not want it anymore.
• Cook your meals. Eating out is expensive; there is no two ways around it. You can get a lot of groceries for what you spend on a restaurant meal and fast food is no better.
• Get into an exercise regimen. Being healthy will save you a ton of money on medical bills.
• Put your spending money into envelopes. There should be three of them; gas, groceries and fun money. Once the envelopes are empty, you have spent your budgeted amount. You can always borrow from one of the other envelopes, but never refill them before it is time.
• Learn to love life more than you love stuff. Material possessions will only make you so happy. Find things in life that lift your spirits for free. Start with things like meditating and playing in the park and get creative from there.