Just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know of some changes coming up on our main site INeedMotivation.com:
Main page will be revamped. Given a new fresher look, with flash elements used more prominently. Flash provides the ability to put many elements into one box or area of the page, without having them spread all over. This saves prime page space, as well as easier for visitors to view and less scrolling involved.
Explanation of the technology that we use to create our courses will be easier to find and will be linked from all course pages. This will make it easier for people that want to know more about how we create subliminal or brainwave courses for example to find the information they are looking for.
A big chunk of our course catalog has been updated, with newer, more effective versions. The courses sound even better, contain more powerful suggestions, and are a lot more effective. This was a MASSIVE task to accomplish, which has been going on since last summer.
Universal pricing for all courses we offer. Instead of different prices for different course types, we have decided to make it easier and have all courses for $24.99 each. Yes, subliminal and brainwave ends up being a few dollars more costly, but self help courses end up $5 cheaper, and hypnosis courses stay the same price. This is also important as many people perceived subliminal or brainwave courses as less effective than hypnosis because they were cheaper, which is not the case. As mentioned above, our courses are even better and more efficient than before, and we still provide the best price-quality ratio out of anyone on the market. And no worries, we still provide free shipping worldwide.
A lot of new downloads will be added. Especially hypnosis ones, which we were lacking. They will be full downloads of 30-60 min in length and will probably be $1 more expensive than other downloads. All downloads will contain the new, more effective versions.
I’m in the process of hiring new writers to update our resources section, so that we will constantly have new, relevant, & free self help articles for visitors.
This should all go up sometime next week. Later this month, major updates to the coaching and seminar sections will take place which will be very exciting and innovative.
Frederic Premji
CEO INeedMotivation, Inc.