Nobody’s immune to feelings of negativity. No matter how optimistic you try to be, there are times in your life when you feel depressed or angry. Sometimes these negative feelings hang around and you just can’t shake off the sensation of gloom. You worry constantly and can’t find solutions to any of your problems, and there’s no end in sight to your difficulties. How can you go from seeing the glass as perpetually half empty to half full?
Do Something Different:
Many times people feel depressed or bored with life because they don’t have anything new going on. It’s easy to fall into routines and dig yourself into a rut so deep you have a hard time getting out. By doing something different you’re interrupting those well-worn neuro-pathways and forcing your brain to wake up and take notice. Drive a different way home from work. Shop at a new store. Try a new recipe. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Change around your furniture. Read a completely different type of book or magazine than you normally would. Take a short class at the local community college.
Make a Solutions List:
If you’re feeling negative because problems are looming before you with seemingly no way around them, sit down and brainstorm ways to overcome your current situation. Write down anything and everything, no matter how mundane or silly it may seem and you’ll probably come up with some workable solutions in the process. Every problem has at least one solution.
Set a Goal:
Without constant goals it’s easy to fall into a funk. Think of some dreams or interests you may have been putting off and dedicate yourself to pursuing them. Whether you’ve wanted to lose weight, paint, take a dance class, further your education, run a marathon, or come up with a new inventions, do it! Nothing gets your energy flowing better than having something worthwhile to look forward to.
Go Back In Time:
Think back to a time in your life when things were working, when you felt healthy, happy, and optimistic. What were you doing then? How was your life different than it is now? Try to do those things now if possible. Nobody has ever been depressed or negative from the moment of conception! If you can repeat your actions of the past your mind will home in on those old feelings and you should soon feel a shift in your energy level. You may need to fake it for awhile if you’ve been living with negativity for some time, though it’s not impossible to get back the “old you.”
Exercise Daily:
This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to change your mood around. Exercising is not only good for your heart and body, but it releases endorphins in your brain that dramatically boost your mood. Getting yourself into the exercise habit is usually the most difficult part, but keep in mind that the benefits far exceed the laziness you experience beforehand.
These are some of the best tips for overcoming negativity. Try them all or choose the ones you think will work best for you. It’s not impossible to feel happier, more energetic, and to face each day with a positive outlook. All it takes is a bit of effort and commitment to actually make changes