10 Past Articles Worth A Second Look
I have recently noticed that this blog now has over 200 articles. Since it is getting about 25-30 new posts per month, it becomes very easy for very good articles…
I have recently noticed that this blog now has over 200 articles. Since it is getting about 25-30 new posts per month, it becomes very easy for very good articles…
Pastor, philanthropist and author Rick Warren reflects on how the success of his book The Purpose-Driven Life triggered his own crisis of purpose. What should he do with this unanticipated…
One of the things I truly despise is the ever increasing bank fees we are subject to if we use our bank account. Since we absolutely need a bank account…
We all get our inspirations from everyone & everything that happens around us. So it should be no surprise that in return, we can inspire other people. What better way…
I really enjoy reading Confucius’ writings. So much of what he wrote almost 2500 years ago still rings true today, which is incredible when you think about it. It shows…
Last friday, I had one of those days that you just wish would disappear from your memory. I woke up to my computer being completely dead. Pressing the power button…
Chris Abani tells stories of people: People standing up to soldiers. People being compassionate. People being human and reclaiming their humanity. It’s “ubuntu,” he says: the only way for me…
I’m an avid believer that you should never stop learning. As a matter of fact, I think that it is absolutely necessary to experience a fulfilled life. To me, the…
I’ve been reading the spiritual book Taming The Tiger Within, and came across some very powerful verses about anger. I feel they provide some great insights that makes us think…
Do you know or have heard of someone that manages to lose something like 200 lbs (if you have ever worked at losing weight, I’m sure you can imagine what…