Over the past year, there has been so much discussion in the media about the “Law of Attraction”. A DVD called The Secret brought this not-so-new concept back into the mainstream for a new generation, along with countless number of books written on the subject thereafter. So what is the Law of Attraction, and does it really work?
The Law of Attraction’s main theory is that “like attracts like”. Basically, individuals will experience what they cultivate in their mind. So, one has the ability to control the reality of life through thought alone. The Law of Attraction follows the following 4 principles:
– Know what you desire and ask the Universe for it. Be very precise in what you want, and whether through religion, meditation, or merely your thoughts, ask the environment (Universe) or a Higher Power to give this to you.
– Concentrate on what you desire with gratitude, enthusiasm, and positive energy. View it as something that will improve your life for the better. Focus on it every single day until it is yours.
– Act as if the object of your desire is already yours. Basically, don’t behave as “maybe” or “if”, but as something that is yours already and will be in your possession eventually.
– Open yourself for reception of it. Make sure that everything is in proper order to successfully receive what you desire to maximize its usefulness to your existence.
So, does this really work? Can we really get all that we ever wanted simply by thinking about it? The truth is, it’s not as simple as it sounds. If it were, then we shouldn’t be financially helping third world countries with food and vaccines, but with the teachings of this Law! Then, with mere thoughts, they would be able to turn their fortunes around. You see, thoughts alone cannot change the world. Thoughts are the beginning stages, but you have to back up those thoughts with ACTION.
I can sit here all day and think about writing this blog. However, if I don’t actually get myself to write it, then nothing is ever written! This is where the Law of Attraction is flawed. It is marketed as this easy, simple, magical thought process that will give you everything that you need, without breaking a sweat. The bottom line is, positive thinking is important absolutely. But what “brings home the bacon” is actions. Most modern writings on the Law of Attraction (within the past few years) focus almost entirely on the thinking aspect, without mentioning that the crucial, most important part of the whole process of changing one’s life is via actions.
You can add the positive thinking to your life. As a matter of fact, you should on that alone. At the very least, it will make for a happier existence, but not necessarily a different one. You will simply view your life with more joy and enthusiasm. However, if you want to make some changes, you need to “get your feet wet” and get out there and do what needs to be done to make things different. Everything begins with a thought, but it’s up to you to turn it into a bona fide reality.
Usually, the Law of Attraction alone will provide a little bit of drive to get what you want done. For example, I have a friend that says that ever since being exposed to the teachings of the Law of Attraction, he never has problems finding parking, while before he never could. He said that he visualizes it and that just like magic, there is always parking available.
The reality of it, is that the Law of Attraction made him look at finding parking as something that is not negative. So his positive thought about parking is just changing his perception of the same situation. Before, he would get mad and angry quickly, but now, he is more patient and happy, so even though it took the same amount of time and energy to find parking, now the whole experience is much more enjoyable. Perception is everything to us humans, so a simple change of perception can completely alter one’s life.
The Law of Attraction is not a negative concept, and therefore it can be a tool to your life. It can help you enjoy positive thinking better. Back this up with drive, desire, and motivation, you will have a powerful combination to guarantee that you put these thoughts into action. And please, use this for more than just the typical wealth, money, fame stuff that most modern teachings discuss. Life is not all about getting a bigger house and a bigger car. There is so much more that we can do to contribute positively to our world. How about using the Law of Attraction to promote peace, respect, love, etc? Bringing these thoughts to a positive light and then having the desire to put them into action…now this is something that can truly change our world 😉