I think we can all agree that in this fast-paced world, our days are pretty full and hectic. It’s only natural to feel somewhat tired at some point during those long days. If you are feeling like you’d rather be taking a dive back into your bed instead of working, exercising, or doing whatever it is that you need to do, this article is for you! I have compiled here the best methods to cure your fatigue right away:

1- Take a deep breath
Yes, we all breathe without even thinking about it. However, we all mostly don’t breathe properly. Deep breathing helps in the better delivery of oxygen to your body’s cells, along with nutrients in your blood stream. As well, it helps in the process of carrying away toxins via your lymphatic system. If you do not detoxify properly, which proper breathing does, you become susceptible to weight gain, muscle loss, inflammation, and yes, fatigue! Try it out, take a couple of deep breaths, you will automatically feel better, and more awake instantly.

2- Drink water
If you aren’t drinking plenty of water by now, you should! This may be the reason why you are feeling tired. Juice, soft drinks and the likes aren’t what you should be consuming if you are tired. You see, dehydration reduces the blood volume which creates fatigue. Those other drinks are full of sugar which actually causes dehydration. Water is king, so make a habit to drink a glass of water whenever you feel tired. While I work, I always have a full glass next to me. This is the best way, because if you have to get up and get water, you will never remember it, especially while you are working intensively. With water right next to you, your mind will just know to take a sip here and there throughout your activity. You will be surprised how quickly just drinking water can get rid of your fatigue.

3- Get up and move!
Sometimes our fatigue is caused by inertia. Especially when you have to work at a computer or sitting at a desk all day. Movement, any type of movement is exercise! Moving your body creates an increased blood flow which in return increases your energy and defeats fatigue. As well, it makes you breathe deeper and you already know the benefits of breathing deeply as mentioned in point #1. So, all that you need to do is just get up, stretch a little bit, and walk around if you can. The best would be to do this every hour, so that you break the pattern of inertia. So get up and move, you will feel more awake right away!

4- Listen to music
Whenever it’s too quiet, we tend to get bored very easily. Being bored leads to fatigue. So turn up the radio, or pull out your iPod and start listening to your favorite tunes. In an instant, you can turn your boredom and fatigue into a fun, entertaining moment. As you sing along to your favorites songs in your head, your thoughts of being tired will slowly fade away. If you can actually get up and start dancing, then you will have mastered point #3 and #4 in one shot 😉

5- Laugh a little
Laughter has a lot of benefits, such as releasing higher levels of endorphins which make you feel better. This also sweeps away any feelings of being tired. As a matter of fact, recent studies have shown that even the anticipation of laughter increases endorphin levels. So you don’t have to laugh out loud, simply finding something amusing is beneficial. So start reading some jokes online, listen to your favorite radio show, or watch some funny videos on YouTube. You will notice that once you start laughing, you won’t be tired anymore.

6- Speak your mind
It is very easy to find ourselves being tired when we are quiet. Think of a classroom for example. It’s very easy to get bored and feel fatigue during a monotonous routine. However, the cure is to participate! Speaking can bring about the same benefits as movement (after all, you are moving muscles when you talk) and being a part of something such as a conversation or a discussion can give us an extra boost in focus and energy to counter the feeling of fatigue. So say something to a co-worker, or pick up the phone and call up a loved one for a few minutes. If you are alone, then maybe sing along to your tunes out loud? 🙂

7- The Ultra Quick Power Nap
A quick power nap in the middle of the day is a great method to revitalize yourself and boost your energy to last you until the end of the day. However, most people who work in public settings cannot just take a nap like that! What you can do is take an “ultra quick power nap”, which consists of simply closing your eyes for a few minutes, clear your mind, breath deeply and slowly, and then return to your task. You can do this either at your break, or even at your desk. Just like that, you have gotten rid of your fatigue, and you can also enjoy better focus and alertness.

Practicing any of these techniques will make you feel more awake, more energized, and increase your concentration skills. With the very long working days that we now experience, it is crucial to implement such methods into your routine so that you can get through your days without always having to feel tired. I used to always feel like I wanted to sleep, all day, whether I had enough sleep or not. Basically, I got tired of being tired 🙂 These methods worked really well for me, so I hope they can be beneficial for you as well.

Published by admin5057

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  1. Thank you for this. I am usually tired all the time, but I know why that is so going to the doctor wasn’t an issue for me.

    I work various shift patterns, some days I can work say 3 nights in a row and others I only do days which means that I get to sleep during the night. For me the problem has always been switching between the two exact opposites.

    I do a fair bit of movement at work, so it wasn’t a problem for me to not move around, and I drink a fair bit as well (probably still not the 2 litres we all should though) so I know now that is must be my diet and my breathing otherwise everything else has a box tick right?

    Anyways, thank you for your advice and I will make sure to look into it when I get back home.

  2. what about yoga and juicing?

  3. Thank you for sharing these healthy tips.

  4. Cool post really helped me looking for something like this only.thanx 😉

    • Really cool post! These seven steps are really helpful, especially to someone like me who is anemic. I often experience fatigue and it’s really affecting my daily responsibilities. These are simple yet makes a lot of sense. I love to sleep, but I’ll definitely get up and move. I know I must motivate myself, and most of the times the music really helps. Thank you for these tips, I will surely apply it in my everyday routines.

  5. I think having a quick cold shower also helps a ton!Worked for me a few times in the past!

  6. Great tips, I’ve been dealing with fatigue for quite a while. I have been told by my doctor to change my diet. I started eating more proteins and vitamins. It’s something I would also recommend to do, cause it also helps you get more energy to exercise etc.

  7. Taking a walk or otherwise getting up moving to get some blood circulation can be good if sitting too long and often. Generally though I think if you have common problems with fatigue, more long-term solutions are needed such as reviewing your diet, sleep and exercise habits. Interesting tips here in the comments also!

  8. Really a great post. May be something i was looking for. Thank you so much

  9. The first one is VERY affective

  10. another things work for me , espresso , banana blended in cool milk , one spoon of olive oil and lemon ( very effective when loosing focus ), chocolate , and mint with tea ( wow this is refreshing ) , and the ginger drink ( put the ginger in water for 48 hours and put in fridge ) this i promise u dont will feel tired all the day , and for people who in-front of the screen all day i advise to go up building and enjoy the blue sky and green color is really helpfully for eyes , and don’t eat heavy junk food in middle of the day i advise to eat only vegetable and one piece of fruit

    sorry for my bad English grammar , i wish if that help

  11. Thanks am going to try this

  12. Please help me…..i am 23 now i feel very tired after whole day travelling and tuitions..i cannot study at all at night.i have my exams in november.please help me out

  13. i got tired of doing work, specially it’s when I’m in college. lot of studying and also continuous class. but now a days i feel some better than previous, because of thinking me pressure less, though I’m not actually 😉 . actually it’s all about our mind which can control us even when we are tired! 🙂
    when i feel tired, just poke me up saying: “hey! it’s your time to show you off to the whole world, that you can do everything even when you are tired”

  14. Forgive me, I believe your suggestions would work for tiredness but not fatigue.

    Believe me there is a difference.

    Tiredness you can relieve, with the methods suggested; fatigue however, is a nasty, nasty entity.

    None of the above would make a great deal of difference, because it comes for deep within. It isn’t sleep related, not dehydration; but it can be related as is the case with me to chronic inflammation such as arthritis.

    You need to look at inflammatory markers and find out what is going on with your body.

    Tiredness is being able to get home and fall asleep on the sofa or even get to bed; fatigue is looking at the dirty floor in the corner store and thinking it to be the most wonderfully comfortable place in the world just to lie down RIGHT NOW.

    If it doesn’t feel like that, count yourself very, very lucky, you are just tired.

    • Hi Merveilles,

      I see the difference that you are making between the two…it is a good point. If it is chronic, then the best thing to do is probably get checked out by a medical professional, as it is possible that it has nothing to do with your physiology, as you say. Thank you for sharing your input!


  15. This article was very helpful, I’ve just started a job where I am sitting alone at a desk, easiest job in the world can read the paper it go on the web, but my body won’t accept this new pattern as I was doing an active job and in the evenings, I would start at 5 and finish at 10pm and I never stopped from start to finish, this job I’m here 830am – 630pm and I have to stay at the desk as much as humanly possible other than eating or using the toilet I am at the desk. Also the air conditioning is on and as I’m I’m reception it gets cold, I have a blow heater but that just makes me even more tired.
    I feel like I got jet lag, so I love some of these tips, going on YouTube now to find something funny….

    • Hey Fiona,

      Any way that you can get some activity done say during your lunch hour or after work? Even just going for a walk, will get your blood flow going and thus reduce that feeling of lethargy.


  16. most likely it’s due to low Vitamin D levels. Many people do not know the importance of Vitamin D, although some is obtained from the diet, this is insufficient. The majority comes from the sun and if your’e living in a country like England, then you can only dream about having a sunny day! I suggest you get your Vitamin D levels checked and if they are low, you’ll be surprised at the effect Vitamin D tablets have!

  17. What junk. Yes, shallow breathing prevents oxygen from reaching the brain. But “turn up the radio, or pull out your iPod and start listening to your favorite tunes. In an instant, you can turn your boredom and fatigue into a fun, entertaining moment”? Firstly, that would be mere distraction from the problem. Secondly, there are situations – such as, you know, *work* – where “entertainment” is neither appropriate nor desirable.

    I already know what makes me tired. It’s having to do things I dislike. My mind switches off whenever I’m faced with unpleasant and difficult tasks, and I want to sleep and never wake.

  18. Stopped drinking products with caffiene and cut down on my sugar intake. A good natural stimulant to ingest that has no toxins to cause your body to acccelerate it’s metablolism is eating an apple in the morning. I do not know why, but it works better than coffee. I also reccomend some form of self hypnosis or meditation, usually when you are overcome with fatigue. This really helped out when I cut out the caffiene.The water is huge as well. Finally proper diet, not dieting…eating a lot of ruffage (salads, veggies and legumes). I found that more I incorporated healthy food throughout the day the less burgers and tacos I consumed. The final key is to do this slowly and incorporate these practices when you feel comfortable, do not force an automatic change, you have to seduce your body slowly over time into craving things that give you energy, with the exception of the water, that should be the first thing you do.. I am no doctor, but I am 50 and I have more energy and am more active now than the kids right out of college where I work. I am out and moving all the time now, when I used to just 12 months ago sit behind a computer all night and play games and kill time.

  19. I was in a bad car accident in 2003, I too have fatigue, I wake up in the morning and boom 2 hours later I’m tired!! I do have a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and was in rehab to learn to walk and talk etc… I wish I wasn’t always so tired

  20. Thank you very much! In the heat of the summer, it’s hard to have a lot of energy.

  21. I choose… well the powernap. I normally am going about 36 hours every 2 days on work —

    If I can fish a little on the weekend and play with the kids – I have energy… Guess I am built different.

    I do agree but wonder where coffee and the new 5 hour energy rank on this?

  22. What about those of us with fatigue due to systemic forms of arthritis and autoimmune conditions? The psychological motivation may be there but the physical ability is gone, and far from it being an easy life resting or as some see it, laziness, it gets frustrating due to the limitations it places on us.

  23. this methods helped me but not so much

  24. Jessie, you are too young to be feeling fatigue every day. You should get some blood work done to find out exactly what’s going on. Then take it from there, and follow the tips to help you feel better and get some energy back.

  25. I looking up things and found this. I get sleepy mostly at 10 but now i know this will work more. It so curable and fast and insecure. I bet this will work. I am 13

  26. Problem is im fatigue almost daily all day long. And once i preform to do any simple excersises or a simple walk, it is painful… and im only 15 by the way. Have been very tired since 2010 and its only getting worse. someone help!!

  27. I was feeling extemely tired at office and this hapens quite often. As soon as I read the first point about deep breating, I started to take deep breaths and instantly my fatigue kindof disappeared.

    Although in Islam we pray 5 times a day, but the importance of deep berating needs to be incorporated and highlighted.

    Thanks buddy, you have just done a work of charity as I will also spread your suggestion.

  28. Good tips… I have few twists on some of your recommendations that I’ve found helpful I’d like to share.

    First, the power nap should be a the top of the list and here’s an extremely effective way to do it: Drink a cup of coffee and immediately take a nap for exactly 20 minutes. You can extend it to 30 minutes if you have trouble dozing off, but no longer than that. The coffee will kick in around the time you wake. This is a trucker’s trick for getting a few wakeful hours.

    Second, get up and move is a good one. It’s easy to forget how long you’ve been sitting while working. But in addition to taking a break to move, try working standing up.

  29. before I always feel exhausted but now I am feeling well because of this article, Thank you so much.

  30. THank you so much for the tips, now I am living conveniently

  31. I think you mean “Move Over, Food Trucks”?

  32. Its is really very helpful. Thx alot

  33. interesting article.thanks!;)

  34. Excellent article. I am identify with the girl in the picture. Thank you!

  35. Thanks Frederic for all the valuable and true to Life facts given in “Most Popular Articles”. I enjoyed reading each one of them. Thanks for sharing!

  36. really great and thank you for your advice

  37. I have a head pain after working out in gym, i visited my doctor nd he said that i m suffering from fatigue, he gave me pills nd directed me to have lime water with salt, but i m worried will this give me temporary releif or permanent, coz i dont want to miss my gym coz of this.

  38. Great Tips. You could also try taking a new natural product called Vitality, that wakes up the energy cells inside your body.

  39. I'm confused…what do you mean when you say naturally energized???

  40. Wow – a self-help article with advice that actually works! I could do these things while I was reading and I’ve perked up now. Thanks a lot! 🙂

  41. Wow – a self-help article with advice that actually works! I could do these things while I was reading and I’ve perked up now. Thanks a lot! 🙂

  42. Very good advice about hydration. Hydration plays a much bigger role in our health than most people recognize. Another way to help stay hydrated is to eat plenty of high water content foods.

    Today, a typical diet is low in fruits and veggies which we need in order to stay healthy and vibrant. One more thing I might add is the water you drink should be naturally energized to restore the hydrating capabilities of water.

    To Your Good Health,

    Dr. Joe

  43. Very good advice about hydration. Hydration plays a much bigger role in our health than most people recognize. Another way to help stay hydrated is to eat plenty of high water content foods.

    Today, a typical diet is low in fruits and veggies which we need in order to stay healthy and vibrant. One more thing I might add is the water you drink should be naturally energized to restore the hydrating capabilities of water.

    To Your Good Health,

    Dr. Joe

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  46. Hi Garry, glad this could be helpful 🙂 I had the same problem, I was always tired no matter what. Even with adequate sleep, so I knew that it had more to do with behavior throughout the day than sleeping patterns. These tips really work well, and they are not difficult to incorporate 🙂

  47. I suffer from fatigue at some point on an almost daily basis, some great tips which I shall be incorporating into my daily routine immediately.

  48. I suffer from fatigue at some point on an almost daily basis, some great tips which I shall be incorporating into my daily routine immediately.


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