I came across this really nice video recently, which you will find below. Its message is very clear: “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived”. It’s a good reminder because as we live our day-to-day life, we tend to forget this very important message. We end up thinking that everyone that succeeds has had nothing but luck all their life and that they had it easy. Who can blame us too, I mean by the time we hear about someone making it, the focus is on the success, not on the long hard struggle to get there.

The truth is, everyone has failed. Everyone has failed miserably. As you have seen in the video, these pioneers and innovators all have experienced immense disappointments throughout their existence. Another one that I can think about is J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books. I recall reading about her recently, where she said at her lowest point she was suicidal, not knowing how she was going to provide for her kids.

Failing is a part of the game that is life. Imagine if J.K Rowling hadn’t pulled through and persisted with her vision. When looking at her success today, we’re talking about 400 million books sold, countless licensing deals, and being I believe the second richest woman in the UK after the Queen, it’s hard to imagine someone on the brink of suicide, but this is the reality of it. We all experience it. We’ve all failed, and guess what, we will continue to fail, because we absolutely need it to succeed.

Failing is trying. Without trying we never have a shot at succeeding. The quicker you can deal with failure, the quicker you are ready for success. Each failure is a building block to success. Some people cannot deal with failure, so they never try anything. The result: nothing. Nothing can happen without action. Life is all about action, and taking risks.

When I worked in sales many years ago, I witnessed this countless number of times. The ones that succeeded were the ones that weren’t afraid of rejection. Sales is all about rejection, and for some people, the risk of being rejected was so paralyzing that they would not approach a potential client. The result: no sales & no success.

I remember a saying by Tom Hopkins, a renowned sales coach, that made it very clear that rejections or failures, if you will, are the rungs to the ladder of success. For example, let’s say each sale you get is worth $100, and you complete a sale 1 time out of 10 tries. So it means that each failure is worth $10! It’s a nice clever way to look at failures.

There is value in failures, as you can see. And most importantly, failures are lessons. What you can draw out of each failure is experience and knowledge that will help you succeed better. That is why you should never ever be afraid of failing, because there is absolutely nothing to fear. In the game of life, nobody plays a perfect game. If you think that some people lead perfect flawless lives, it’s your perception, but certainly not reality.

Accept that failure is a part of life, and the better you will be for it. Accept that you have failed. For some people, their past failures haunt them, and they never get over it. Accept it. Know that this is not some isolated incident, everyone has faced this. You are no different. At least you tried…at least you LIVED! Also, accept that you will fail in the future. Some things will work, and some won’t. Preparing yourself mentally for this is smart. It’s realistic and logical.

Now, accepting is not expecting! You should never expect to fail. The ones that expect to fail realize their wishes very easily. You can be logical and accept that the possibility of failure does exist, but you can be confident in your chances to avoid such failure. This is crucial, as you do not want to become a habitual failure. Just knowing that even if you do fail, you will get over it, and that it won’t destroy you is so empowering that simply having that frame of mind increases your chances of success even more.

Without failure, how sweet would success be? How can success be appreciated, without knowing the opposite feeling? I’m thinking of the closest example of this…over-privileged kids that had everything handed to them. How many times have we heard of such kids turning out to be complete disasters? Without having experienced the opposite feeling, they had no idea of the value of what they were given. So they destroyed it. For someone like J.K Rowling, who was suicidal at some point, how sweet do you think her success has to feel to her?

Anything that you are thinking of doing, any projects or endeavors that you have in mind, just give it a try. Live your life, and trying such things is living. The biggest hurdle that keeps people from succeeding is the fear of failure. It causes a sudden halt in progress, and no movement means no potential for success. Don’t be such a person. Don’t be afraid of failing, welcome it. Be ready for it. But expect to succeed, because in the end, you will.

Why deny yourself the opportunity to accomplish everything that you ever wanted out of life? This is the key that unlocks the door to your dreams. Your success is directly proportional to the number of times you fail, which is directly proportional to the number of times you try. You can’t have one without the other. Be at peace with it, rise up, and give it your all. That is the only way to truly experience life at its fullest ๐Ÿ˜‰

Published by admin5057

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  1. Failure is the greatest teacher in the world. Try Try Try till you succeed. Be positive.

  2. Iam 20 year old student suppose to be doing second year but i changed course and varsity, i moved from number 5 varsity in the country went to number 2 according to rankings i never had failing problem now i am depressed i fail module i want to quit and i even regret why did i change from my previous varsity i am afraid that i will not make HEMIS which means next year they gonna kick me out of hostel i am a disgrace to my family iam supposed to be excelling in my studies so that i graduate and be able to buy them house.

  3. I failed so many timer in life,i tried to suicide thrice,i failed even to do that.i lost all the golden days of my life,im 16 by age .have been living alone since long.i have become mad,pshychotic,dont know will i pass this time or not……but dear this heart does not stop,we have to drag ur live at any cost….when we have to fail again and again then let’s do it with a smiling face,hah,lets see what happens:-)

  4. I started my journey of being an entrepreneur since 2005 and now it is 2016 and failure is my best friend that won’t leave me. It’s been 11 years of constant failure to build a business.

    As of today I still pursue my dreams of creating a business that will not only help me financially but also to help the people like me who dream of living a life in total freedom.

    This is a good read and inspires people like me to move forward and learn the lessons from the past failures.

  5. Fail until you succeed? I’ve been alive for decades, failed through them all. Got a job, got attacked at the job, wound up handicapped in a family of high achievers. And yes, quite a few of them look down on me. I’m unemployable because the injury leaves me unable to know whether it’s a day I can do anything, or a day where I have to stay in bed. So I live on sub-poverty level disability. Can’t get much more of a failure than that. Wrong place, wrong time, = life-crippling injury. There’s no upside here, no “fail until”. I guess I did the supreme fail all at once.

  6. Failure always leads towards success.Because after failing once people try hard to win.

  7. True. People are not perfect. Don’t give up even you fall down there is always someone who will catch you, always strive for greatness and live to the fullest.

  8. I๎–ปe been meditating on the identical issue personally recently. Pleased to see another person on the same wavelength! Nice article.

  9. Sigh…. but feeling dissapponted really sucks… I’ve felt the pain so many times but i also succeeded many times because i kept. ….

    However i still go through the same pain and still know i will get better if i keep trying….

    It’s just really tough but i know with persistence anyone can do better

  10. I am 19 years old and will be starting university soon. I am pretty disheartened as I didn’t get to the course I wanted, medicine. I have always wanted to do that but have failed 3 times. However, I can still do it as grad medicine. I don’t know if I shld try again. I don’t want failure once more. But I really aspire to be a doctor. Are my dreams too unrealistic, too big? Shld I give it a shot?

  11. My name is Sai sanjeev Kumar I have been facing failures in my whole life I keep on facing failures after my mothers death which starts from my school and college I kept on failing in subjects and there will be friends they also left. My father and my brother who think about their happines no one think about no one is there to here my feelings and share my thoughts now I am working in bpo there also I am not achieving I am the least employee in the company there also I am failing
    I have become an example of failure to my family. I don’t know what to do please help me out from this problem

  12. thank you for writing this
    i strongly believe that success happens through learning and learning can happen very well when we fail

  13. I registered 5 modules passed 2 , have to write 1 supplementary, the other one I failed. Which made them 4 then I was waiting for results of another one today it came as a fail how to I tell my colleagues even my fiancรฉ feel sorry for me even said “Other ppl fail all modules ” I snapped out told him am not other people am so hurt really that y I googled “motivation for failure otherwise was going to loose my mind

  14. I am in my mid thirties, I struggle so had to be a better person.

    This evening I got notifications of an exams I sat for which cost over #250,000 (Naira), and in all the three papers I pass only 1 and need to resist 2, which will cost about #100,000.

    I felt like I lost everything opportunities to be a better person at first, but I got strength again reading through all the comments and I will go back pay the cost and let my grade surpass the failure.


  15. Although this is true & we all must face failure with sucess, it is very frustrating at times knowing that you are given restrictions that most others don’t face due to circumstances you have no control over. Things like loss of privileges like driving etc due to medical conditions. I know we must all look from our own perspective & focus on possible acheivements. However it is annoying how those with no similar restrictions are constantly praised on public media etc for the acheivements reached with much less effort. It is the constant “be the best or nothing” mentality of society is like a tap dripping on your forehead.

    I have failed in many ways and am still focussed on the future. Those who give me advice as to how I should have lived my past after knowing the outcomes are passing judgement, not helping.

    To support others, give advice from your own experiences, but accept it is their life & their freedom to choose what they wish to do.

    The majority of “success & failure” is based on the ignorant onlookers opinion. Not the person experiencing it.

  16. The reason i am who i am is because of my past failures .The fact is success has no value if its opposite is not recognised.

  17. Only a small part of my career

    I am a trier, I’ve tried everything to be a success. I’ve done everything I can do in my career to be a success but its failure I always meet.

    I have done business plans to improve and bring in new business for it to be a success but for my managers to take it from me after promising me a position when I brought the good results.

    I have done report on current practices and another manager takes control of it and I am still left in my own position.

    This has been going on for a while now, when I bring the result my managers take the benefit.

    I will never be a success in my career so whats the point. I’ve delivered every project with no reward.

    I have lived by the quote. TRY TRY TRY AGAIN IF YOU DON’T SUCCEED TRY AGAIN. I’ve been trying and can’t find the success.

  18. I have learnt how to take failure as an experience to better myself.

  19. Thank you for sharing, accepting that I have failed and its ok to have done so has made me motivated again just when I was thinking of giving up on something i’m really good at…sales, thanks so much again I really needed to read this…

  20. The one thing i tried my hardest in at school ended up getting a horrible mark. I feel like my best is just not good enough.
    I hate it, but you’re right. Failure is what makes people grow. I’m gonna try harder, even though i’ve already tried my hardest. Oh well…i guess that’s life. I just want to know that i don’t suck and that I’m not a pathetic loser who isn’t good at anything. I mean seriously, I’m average in everything! And the one thing i thought i was good at ended up being the one thing i apparently sucked at! It’s really upsetting…
    but thankyou for this. Kinda made me feel better..:)

  21. I’m a second-year physics student at a well-known university and am about to face a year of academic suspension. Instead of taking this failure as a serious blow to my future success, I am seeing it as an opportunity. I’ve been thinking about life and what I truly want to do and maybe physics isn’t the right thing for me. My passion during my time here has switched to music and audio engineering, which I am absolutely convinced I have a much greater capacity to shine in. This gap-year will give me a chance to earn quite a bit of money so that I can return to the city next year an independent young man, and the audio engineering course I’ve set my eyes on is only one year long, plus one of my friends took it and already has a job before anyone I know! Thank you for giving all of us the right perspective!

  22. In the end, it’s what we do with #failure(s) that matters.
    If we keep trying, we might be lucky to just get it right and hopefully our dreams would have driven us to the desired destinations instead of having our problem(s) toss us around like a coin.
    Thanks for this.

  23. Wow this is beautiful! I needed this!! Thank you!

  24. Very good article! Over the course of my life, I have failed many times. Most of the time, the sheer disappointment would make me feel like I am not good enough. Reading an article like this one indeed gives me the motivation to keep my head high and to pursue my dream once again. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  25. I have been trying to get my degree which normally just take 3 years to complete , It is taking me 6 long years to complete this degree , First I went to a University to study Economics and Management , I was not focus so I failed they gave me a second chance and I failed again but just two modules. Unfortunately , I was not able to continue with the course. I decided to change to another University which I choose to study Accountancy and Finance and passed my 1st year of it and 2nd year passed two modules and failed 2 , teachers didn’t allow me to proceed to my final year of it. I felt so sad and devastated because its always my Education said of life that lets me down. But , after reading this article and watched the video I am motivated to finish the two modules and proceed to my final year of my degree. By the way the University I attend is University of Lincoln based is the UK. I just think once I succeed from my studies , I will be extremely successful in my Life career.. Thank You for sharing …

  26. Expecting is based on preparation. Accepting is after action. Plan well, and act on it. If success, you got experience; if fail, you still got experience. Just don’t bet all your chip for one shot like a gambler. :-). Gambler won’t win, at least in long term.

  27. Great article.

    We tend to see those who succeeded with one-dimensional view almost, I think maybe that’s how we quickly become restless.

    And I’d like to add daring to fail means you take calculated risk, instead of say, ‘leap before you look’ kind of attitude which some people are more prone to. It’s good once in a while depending on situation but more often than not just like you said, “you do not want to become a habitual failure”. Meaning you do expect the possibility of failure but not necessarily expecting to fail.

    Thanks a lot anyway, more people should be aware of this and good luck on spreading the words.

    Well, if there is any luck after all.
    Might as well say, all the best in TRYING ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. To answer the question above, I can just say that:

    “Our experience are the most important thing in life to be succeed”

    Every time we fall, there a million reason to get up and start it again for our God is always be with us even though in the midst of discourage and trials.

  29. i have failed many times in my life. i have been fired from welding jobs and that still hasnt stopped me from still working in the welding field. i think that if you just quit and dont try again you will never be able live with yourself knowing that you could have done something to learn and do a better job.

  30. i have just recently strated an ap course and haven’t been getting the best of scores but i am now determined to put my best in it and succeed in getting a 5!!

  31. I’ve been receiving B’s for my best subjects in the last 3/4 of the year, that has put me down so much because i’m so used to getting A’s . After reading this, (just about giving up) i’ve been motivated to try EVEN harder!

    thanks so much!

  32. I’ve been receiving B’s for my best subjects in the last 3/4 of the year, that has put me down so much because i’m so used to getting A’s . After reading this, (just about giving up) i’ve been motivated to try EVEN harder!

    thanks so much!

  33. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language ๐Ÿ˜‰
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  34. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language ๐Ÿ˜‰
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  35. Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams….


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