If you are just getting started in yoga, you may have a lot of questions and be unsure about a lot of things. Are you doing this pose right? Is your breathing correct? Are your movements okay?
The first tip for improving your yoga practice is to relax. Do not worry about what you are doing and whether it is “correct.” It is good to want to improve, and certainly learning more effective ways of doing poses and movements can help you feel more relaxed, but feeling more relaxed is actually the best way to improve your poses and movements. Tension is the anti-yoga, so to speak. Allow yourself to relax and settle into the movements and the breathing and postures. Just let go.
The second tip is to work with a teacher. If you’re trying to learn yoga from a book or video, it’s a really good idea to take at least a short class with a live teacher so you can see the practice in person, learn what you’re doing right and where you can improve your posture to make your practice feel better, and ask any questions you may have. Also, with a teacher you will learn more about yoga in a holistic fashion, including its history and practice, than you might learn from a book or DVD.
Thirdly, practice every day. Even better, practice in the morning and before bed. Practice yoga not because you’re on a schedule or have to practice yoga, but because you enjoy yoga, feel better when you practice, and want to become more mindful and feel more at peace with your body and the world.
By relaxing, practicing, and learning from a teacher, you will soon find that you are settling into yoga and feeling more comfortable each day with your yoga practice.
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