A friend of mine is 45 years old, has no gray hair, and very good skin for her age. I wanted to find out if there was anything in her routine that could have been a reason for such youthful looks for her age (all without any surgery by the way!). Leaving genetics out of the equation for a moment, the one interesting thing that popped up was the fact that she takes a cold shower every morning. So I did a little research about the subject and found 4 main benefits that you gain by taking cold showers.

Now when I say cold shower, I want to clarify exactly what I mean by that. Taking a full cold shower, meaning no hot or warm or lukewarm water at all, is borderline torture! Especially in the cold winter months (I am from Montreal, and it is VERY cold here!). Besides, there are many benefits to taking a warm shower, the primary one being that it feels really good! But seriously, what I mean in this context, is the practice of starting with a warm shower, and ending the last few minutes with cool to cold water. Here are the benefits that you gain by incorporating a cold shower into your shower routine:

1- Better Circulation
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.

2- Better looking skin
When you shower with warm water, it opens up your pores. Then you wash and this cleans up your pores. That’s all good. When you end, it would be best to close your pores and cold water does just that. It’s good to close your pores after you are all cleaned up because it will prevent the pores from being easily clogged by dirt and oil, which causes skin imperfections such as acne for example. Another benefit is that cold water makes your blood vessels constrict which reduces swelling and the appearance of dark circles under your eyes (where skin is at its thinnest). This provides you with a young, healthy glow.

3- Healthier hair
Cold water makes your hair look healthier and shinier. As a matter of fact, cool air makes your hair shinier too (that’s why there is a cool air button on your hair dryer). What the cold water does is that it closes the cuticle which makes the hair stronger and prevents dirt from easily accumulating within your scalp. Basically, the same principle with how it closes the pores of your skin as mentioned above. Stronger hair, of course, prevents hair from being easily pulled out when you are combing, and it helps in slowing down overall hair loss.

4- Mental benefits
There are plenty of mental benefits to ending your shower with cold water. The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi. This was a purification ritual on a spiritual level. They believe that it cleansed their spirit and helped start a new day & new adventure fresh. Cold water obviously helps waking you up, which is what you want in the morning. Also, it energizes you and invigorates your entire being with the essence of life. Give it a try, you will definitely feel more alive! It can also lift you up if you are feeling a little down or unmotivated.

Ending your shower with cold water clearly has its advantages. Many benefits to cold showers, as you can see. I know this is something that can be very difficult for many people to do. The key is to not torture yourself. Go about it gradually. Start with a level of cold you can deal with, and slowly make it colder after each shower. As long as you get your feet wet (no pun intended!), and begin adding this routine at the end of your showers, you will be on your way to making a habit out of it and enjoy the benefits that this practice can bring you. Who knows, maybe you can avoid gray hair altogether like my friend! Maybe the fountain of youth is made up of very cold water?! 😉

Published by admin5057

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  1. The main reason of cold shower in Dubai is the extreme heat during summer. My Hotchiller has been very helpful.

  2. 3 weeks of cold (not icy) showers so far. My hair/head goes in first then my whole body. Turn water off, lather, then turn water back on to rinse. My shower takes about two minutes.

    Weird thing is, when I turn cold shower off, I start to feel warm. When I took warm showers, turning warm water off made me feel cold.

    I took a warm shower today and didn’t feel good. I felt tire/lazy/foggy. So after an hour took a cold shower.

  3. I tried taking a cold shower before, in the end I just don’t have the will power to go fully under. I have respect for people who can do it though.

  4. A comment about cold showers as part of a physical therapy routine, and then a question as to temperature variance effect upon the tanning process to which any reply would be appreciated.

    In an effort to relieve pain, weakness, and stiffness following a serious motor vehicle accident (cargo truck ran red light- intersection collision, knocked out cold and SL 500 totaled as it under-rode the side of the truck’s cargo area until the truck’s rear tires and the car met — at which point I was saved from decapitation but knocked out and sustained a variety of spinal and neurological injuries in addition to leg, ankle, knee, foot, closed head injury, PTSD, etc. My last conscious thought as the side bottom ridge of the cargo section was about to impale me and shear off my head was, “I’m not French, whatever did I do to deserve the guillotine?) I joined a health club once my physical therapy benefits were exhausted that year.

    I would get into the whirlpool hot tub which is kept at approx 102-104 degrees f, for up to 30 minutes to do my spinal mobilization stretches, but I would take a break to the swimming pool to cool down for about 10 minutes in the middle and again at the end. Then I may or may not spend 10-15 minutes in the steam room.

    At the conclusion of the routine I always shower but start with tepid (slightly warmer than cool) water and after the bathing routine would then reduce the temperature to the point of a slight shock to the system; however, you need only direct the spray to the back of your neck and then quickly spray your whole body to overcome the instant shock of the cold water.

    I find the cool pool breaks during the hot tub excursions are very relaxing and what have become longer cold showers are not only relaxing but invigorating. I do not believe cold showers affect libido one way or the others.

  5. I heard a doctor saying that when you finished your training, you mustn’t take cold water bath within 2 hours as your bores open and soap, shampoo and chemical go inside your body through your open bores and causes cancer.Any advise if this true or not. I always take cold bath after training and I love it.

  6. I am amottocyclist , after 2 years in this job I begun to feel some cold and and it Keeps on day after day.I begun to take hort sherwer and the cold stopped imidiatly. I am taking averry hot sherwer which I be leave no one can do in oder to keep the cold away because of my job. What can I do to sheeft to this and maintain my job and health?

  7. I started taking only cold showers because warm or even hot water dries out my skin and makes it super itchy. After only a couple of weeks of cold showers (sometimes 2 per day) my skin is not itchy and it feels smoother than ever before!

    Highly recommend cold showers…And its not like they are freezing cold…its a very tolerable cold. Ive gotten into colder pools to be honest.

  8. My hair is so important to me. I want to say that this post is amazing. there is nothing more useful than good intel these days, after all we do live in the information age. Thanks for the info, it’s really handy.

  9. Please which is advisable, massaging a sprain with cold water or better still hot water and why?

  10. Hi, I find your web site last night by searching about cold shower. First thing I like this article, it’s very simple to the point. I first use a regular lukewarm shower and then turn to completely cold water. I just start today so lets see how goes. I remember in olden days people use to have a cold bath and they had a very good skin, now I know why? I am going to try everyday and if I like it then I will tell my friends as well.
    Thanks very much.

  11. Am I the only unlucky dude whose body has rejected the cold showers?
    I began 6 months ago with full cold showers and gradually prolonged them to comfortable 3 minutes. Although I would always feel great and invigorated, I noticed that 30 minutes afterwards chills and cold hands and feet wold set in and I would warm up only inthe afternoon. Autumn came and I found myself very intolerant even of mild cold, so I decided to start with warm water and end with usual 3 minutes of cold but that did not ward off the uncomfortable cold sensations. Finally, on the first winter day I caught a heavy cold, so I had to suspend cold showers completely. After 5 days of inly warm showers, my hands and feet are warm again and I am not nervous out in the cold anymore. Chills are also gone.
    I would like to continue with cold showers but at this point I don’t know if they are really for me. I am 44 yo healthy male 188cm / 80 kg, a bit thin constitution.
    Do you have any advice for me?

  12. is it good to take shower with cold water in cold weather? please reply me

  13. I just have one question….what is more beneficial, practice of starting with warm shower first and ending it with cold shower or practice of having a bath with just cold shower right from the beginning till the end ?

  14. I decided to take cold showers due to the fact that I am not working at the moment & can’t afford propane. I haven’t been paying attention to the benefits just wanted to stay clean. Will do some research on this.

  15. Hello and thanks for your reply. Here is my update: the symptoms I had described were merely a phase in habituation and have disappeared in the meantime. Moreover, after two months I suddenly felt I wanted more (me wanting more challenge or my body wanting more stimulation – or both) and switched to fully cold showers, thus eliminating warm or hot water completely. After two weeks of doing so, I can say that I would never go back to anything warmer than fully cold. The only precaution is to do it gradually, leg by leg and arm by arm, over the course of 10 to 15 seconds.


  17. Hello and thank you for your feedback.
    After further experimenting, and not skipping the cold shower for a single day, I have discovered that a cold water shock gives much better results than gradual immersion and temperature decrease. Instead, spraying legs, then arms and immediately the head produces the uplifting feeling and overall results.
    In addition, cold showers want you to kick off any activity afterwards. Spending the whole morning immobilized at computer desk at home after taking the cold shower is what gives coldness.
    As to your question, I do regular exercising but that comes only in late afternoon, therefore many hours after the cold morning shower.
    Thank you again.

    • Thank you very much for your feedback Milan….I was asking about the working out because I happen to take a cold shower (gradual) after working out, and it always feels very refreshing and energizing for the rest of my day.

      Best regards 🙂

  18. Hello and thank you for this article.
    I am a 44 yo healthy male and I started doing cold showers every day three weeks ago with great success and immediate well-being effects. I first do a regular lukewarm shower and then turn to completely cold water. In my household, temperature of cold water is 18 C, so not quite a swim in a frozen lake. I started with 1 minute of cold water in the end and extended by minute every week.
    Last week, however, I began noticing that the feeling of energy and well-being waned off and did not appear anymore after cold showers. Instead, I began feeling down and drowsy afterwards, with hands and feet feeling cold for hours. Also my intolerance of outside cold seems to have increased. Although I have developed resistance to cold shower, it just doesn’t feel right anymore. What could be the reason for this sudden change? Thank you in advance for your opinions.

    • Hi Milan,

      Are you an active person? Are you doing any type of exercise where you are sweating either every day or a few times per week? Perhaps try to just do a cool shower, but fully cold…and very quick at the end of a warm shower. See how that goes…give us some feedback.

  19. You may be more sensitive to temperature when recovering from an injury or fighting off an illness. You’re not trying to win any competition by proving how hot or cold you can take the water. This can be done with moderate temperatures. Listen to your body, if you feel you need to stop at any time, just take a minute, sit down if you need to and see how you feel. Thank you

  20. Showering with cold water is a good tip if you can endure the torture but as you recommend start off warm and slowly turn the heat down, you will be surprised how cold you can get the water by trying this method. I always remember reading an article with the late great actor Paul Newman and he was asked how he kept looking so young and he said that every morning he would dunk his head in a bowl of cold water. Seems abit extreme but if it worked for Paul thens its worth a try.

  21. two questions so if it helps your circulation than do you get a harder erection? (guys please be mature about this PLZ)

    and should i shampoo my hair with the warm water or the cold water?

  22. Great news to me… does daily hot water bath affect your reproduction cycle for both male & female ???

  23. I just took a cold shower and found this to prove to my family that I was right.

  24. hi, i took 5-6 cold shower in the last 10 days and yes you feel much better and you feel the body switch to heat generator mode, but until that, it’s a 5 min torture, omg… don’t wet your hair, that may trigger a cold
    blood on the move, that’s a clear benefit, but it’s a 5 min torture….

  25. I’ve been taking showers using hot and cold water alternately for over a year (hot-cold 60 sec-hot-cold 60 sec) I tried taking cold showers only but it was too uncomfortable and it wasn’t something I looked forward to doing. During the past year I have not had a cold and feel better in general. I can’t imagine not doing this every time I shower and would feel like I was wimping out if I didn’t. I’ve recommended this for others to try and some have but most think it’s just too far out of their comfort zone. If your bathroom is warm it shouldn’t make any difference if you do this in the winter or summer. I especially like doing this after mild/moderate exercise.

  26. Actually, I have been taking cold showers since summer 2012, and continued doing it through the beginning of winter. To tell you the truth, I do feel better. My resistance to cold weather has improved significantly and I feel comfortable even when it gets colder. So, whoever wants to try it, just go ahead! It does feel cold at first, but gradually it gets better and better. Nothing gives you more energy in the morning than a nice cold shower!

  27. What about having a bath with just cold water? No hot/warm water, even in winters; I’ve heard lot of benefits of cold water, what about the demerits?!

  28. i am really excited to try this

  29. My god this so funny i live in australia backgroung african lived here 20 years.
    One day i came from work,like i always do streight to the shower turn the tap both hot and cold then find out the is no hot water couse o forgot to pay the piills yeah’
    The i said staff it have shower with the cold water the next morning i felt better somehow my back felt better the next morning i have done the same then i said to my self maybe something to do with the cold shower i google it here iam neve went back to the hot shower my skin looks amazing my hair looks better then ever

  30. If you wish to make a good hair, Use water at its natural temprature and you will find how great this will work..Just wash your hair once with natural water, dry it and again wash it with lukewarm water using shampoo,Soap anything you wish..you will find the hair doesn’t get oily, dirty and sweaty..those are still clean an clear after 3 days..

  31. You mean I don’t have to feel like a wimp getting into a cold shower, I can start the way I do and only need the cold water to finish with !! ahahah…

  32. Thank you all of you for writing, discussing and disseminating all the great benefits of cold shower and warm drinks.

    I am a Bhutanese young boy who lives in a cold mountains and narrow lush green valley of Bhutan( The land of Thunder Dragon).

    After i have gone through all your points, i have decided and started the cold shower and drinking a warm water at meals.

    I never took cold shower and never liked to drink warm water for any best occasions. But now i can feel the great differences and it is really a cool one. It keeps me awake and happy.

    I am already spreading this good news to my fellow Bhutanese who are of most ignorant of this beautiful facts.

    This will be one key factor for achieving a great deal of happiness in Bhutan the landlocked Himalayan Country. Thank You and Tashi Delek!

  33. When I was in high school I helped an elderly lady with her garden and during
    That time she got cancer, her stomach got very bloated
    And the cancer was a very bad kind, I cannot remember
    The name, the dr.’s told her she had 6 months to live.
    She was in her mid 70s when this happened and
    Didnt for a moment give up. she opted out of chemo
    And radiation. 14 years later she is still gardening and
    She strongly believes that taking hot hot hot then cold
    Cold cold showers over and over and throughout the day
    Saved her life.

  34. I knew it, i was beginning to wonder what is happening to my skin since i came to europe where always have to use warm water sometime very hot water for the past 2 years now. my skin use to glo and young looking when i was back home in african because i take cold shower all thru. its just so obvious that something is happening to my skin, i was having a sleepless night about this, and then something struck my mind that it could be the hot water i have been using since i came here. then i decided to google it out and here i am getting answers from the very first search. i won’t search further. thanks for the grate info. God’s blessings

  35. after this article one morning i shower with a cold water after that i got flu and body ache until now

  36. I used to start with warm and ended with cold, but idk how i stoped, and now i really see the diference.
    Thank you so much, great article !

  37. I just had an argument with my cuz saying that hot water is better than all. But i was wrong. I am so glad i found this site. AMAZINGGGGGGGGG 😀 😀 😀 <3 <3

  38. i really liked it so very much thank you

  39. Good tips Kris 12 Feb. I highly recommend letting your chest be the LAST place to get wet too.

    For 40 years ever since I was a small child, I have suffered from the cold more so than other people. In winter I have always hogged the heater. Many times in Autumn I go out wearing winter woollies whilst everyone else is still wearing t-shirts or shorts. My baths and showers have always been hotter than hot, practically scalding. In winter I wear thermals under everything.

    So if someone like me can stand taking a cold shower; then anyone can!

    I have been dallying with hot & cold showers on and off for three years now. But I plan to make them part of my daily routine.

    My routine is: wash with soap, and then rinse in warm / hot water. Just before I get out of the shower I do a blast of cold. Slowly I decrease the hot and increase the cold tap. As I get over the initial shock of the cold blast and my body gets use to it; I continue decreasing / increasing. I wet my feet and legs first. Then my arms. Then my face. Then my back and stomach and then finally my chest. By the time I get to my chest I am use to the cold, and so I can fully immerse my whole body under the cold flow. I can only last about one minute but I will increase this and build up slowly over a number of weeks and months. I normally wear a shower cap in the morning, so I have not yet done cold water on my scalp. But I will build up to this.

    Yesterday for the first time ever I went colder suddenly than I ever have before, which caused me to scream. But I really felt the benefits throughout the day in regards to sense of well being and energy levels.

    For people worried about taking cold showers in winter, this is what I have done previously: I warm the bathroom up with a fan heater whilst I am in the shower. So after having the final cold rinse I then step into a warm bathroom to dry off.

    Someone once told me that my constant coldness had something to do with poor circulation or thyroid. The cold water helps with circulation, so I am hoping my intolerance to cold weather improves with regular cold water therapy.

  40. Hi am an athlete,since a week i started to take a cold shower,really it result fantastic and very healthy and helpfull.thanks for the information,we do not need to wait any studies may be will takes many years to get of this treatment.

  41. Hi am an athlete,since a week i am taking a cold shower,really is fantastic and very healthy and helpfull.thanks for the information,we do not need to wait any studies may be will takes many years to get of this treatment.

  42. I can’t do it, I have tryed to take a cold shower in the past but can’t take it for more than a few minutes.

  43. Hi. It’s true.I am doing this always – warm water then cold water..:D

  44. Well, lately I’ve been having no choice other than not showering.
    My apartment neighbours hog up all the hot water. Have to boil water in a pot to even do the dishes.

    Hope this works lol

  45. Been taking only cold morning showers for a week now (still winter in US) and I have noticed a few major benefits. 1) My hair shedding has dramatically decreased and hair feels much thicker, 2) like the Samurai, I too feel like my spirit is renewed and my body is on alert mode to take on the day, and 3) skin on face looks healthier, including dark circles under eyes.

    One negative effect I’ve been noticing however, is that I wake up with very red eyes in the morning, more red than usual. Not sure if this is related to the cold showers or the fact that I’ve recently moved and maybe allergic to something.

    Some tips: if you let the cold water from faucet first drench your entire head and face for 30 seconds then it will be more tolerable to switch to being under the cold shower. I also highly recommend as others have, to let your chest be the LAST place to get wet, you don’t want to shock your heart and lungs. After I drench my head, I then wet legs, back and front, and arms, and back to head only, then neck and back, then stomach, and then finally chest.

    Most important, don’t shock your upper torso beyond what is gradually tolerable.
    I hope that helps.

  46. 18, and male. I always take hot showers and I always have very dry itchy skin. I never knew that there was a positive correlation between the two. Also, everytime I comb ( i have sort of long hair) hair easily falls off. I’ll give this painful therapy a try and see if it really works.

  47. my first cold bath after 8 mile run, wow what a difference,!! no stiffness later on. only ten mins as got bored, will do this again. love reading the reveiws.

  48. I take cold showers… its the only way to wake myself up at 3am for study before I go to work…..The initial cold water after getting out of my warm bed never seems to get any easier… but after a few seconds Its great!!

    You feel so warm you feel afterwards, despite it being 5 degrees outside..best treatment for getting your mind and circulation going in the morning!!

  49. Just about to go take my first cold shower after watching a promramme on telly last night saying it helps you lose lbs… Im 28 & have noticed lately i have alot of gray hair coming through i love a hot shower so could this be the case? i also been getting alot of spots on my face than usual….. so heres hoping this cold water works lol

  50. I am 51 year old and in every changing season suffer from diffrent problem like SINUS AND COLD and it was severe, after starting cold bath , there is no sign of sinus and cold and back pain now I feel better , after cold bath try some assana like padmasana and shirshasana you will feel the diffrence.

  51. IAM 47 YEAR OLD , Iam fully agree with taking Cold water shower daily morning and before bad, Its realy very healthy fellings, whole day very active in business , and Evening before bad also healthy feelings , so start to-day and enjoy your life. SAEED

  52. Just back from another teaching visit to KENYA – have been taking cold showers for four/five years – wonderful – and I am approaching 70. Yes, even in our northern climate two minutes of really cold shower after washing – exhilirating!

  53. ive been having this cold shower now for about a week slowly from the feet and working my way up to my head then its gets easier from there…the benefits its feels invigorating and fresh…. ive loved my hot showers but the difference is clear but ive read the posting of a maryam who said her friend is disabled from taking cold shower…really sorry to hear that…. so please people be wise start slowly until you can go really cold….thanks everyone for your postings P.S. my girlfriend was saying after a cold shower you look realy fresh didnt know it was the cold shower…

  54. Try it. Being taking only cold showers for about two months now… love how I feel!
    But then is hot here… winter is coming and I will really test myself soon.

  55. It’s been 10 minutes since i had my first cold shower (a 15 minute shower!).. i’m still having a little trouble breathing. Mind you the only reason I had a cold shower was because my gas turned off. Nice to know there are some health benefits to this torture. Now time to try to sleep =_=

  56. Been having the “james bond” or “scottish” shower now for about two weeks (really nice and hot then turning it to cold) after googling cold showers and always love coming out of the cold stuff feeling like I’m being hugged by 2 big teddy bears but gonna try just cold only and adapt to it for the next 30 days and will get back to you on how I feel, I live in the UK and temperature is about to drop too :s

  57. It’s about a week now,since I started with cold showers,
    my skin already clears up and feels soft.
    I’m at South Africa, lucky for me our weather is so cool.

  58. Very Cool… I have never liked Hot showers, always preferred cool showers and baths.. and now I have explanation why at 45 I have very few grey hairs, and don’t look my age!

  59. I started this when I was 11- all I knew was that it did something to my hair! Plus it feels good- so I guess my little habit has some serious benefits!

  60. Screw that! Ive been taking cold showers every day for about 2 months and I cant wait to take a hot shower

  61. I just noticed 2 days ago that when I wash my face with cold water it feels relaxed and my complexion looks clearer. I just happened to stumble upon this article today which confirms that cold water is better. I’ll continue to use it.

  62. That was good of you to share that,,thumbs up….love it!!

  63. Taking cold showers for a while now and now have one every morning. I find it energises me and I feel awake instead of drowsy.

  64. To Sensei K, I did the research, and you are right, hot drinks seem to slow digestion, but cold drinks utilize more calories because they require more energy. If you go to the discovery health website it points out that cold drinks utilize more energy burning more calories, while a few other miscellaneous sites seem to claim that cold drinks decrease the contractions of the stomach and slow digestion (however it’s the contractions of the stomach that lead to hunger pains, so having your food digest quicker doesn’t necessarily mean you will lose weight, it just means you’ll get hungry faster).

    To each their own I guess, but I’ll happily drink my drinks at whatever temperature I feel like because literature supporting both exists and it seems to be like more of a religion when you start choosing sides. Kudos.

  65. Just incrideable, I love it!

  66. I don’t care I love my hot showers!

  67. here is my experience/problems with the hot shower, i hope it helps.

    – I used to take hot showers before I go to sleep, and usually rinsed about 15-25 minutes. Occasionally, I began to find out that I was getting acnes from taking hot showers!!! No lies folks, acnes/red pumps were appearing on my face and some on my upper body right after I took a hot shower. Sometimes I don’t see them until the next day.

    For me, hot water definitely had an effect on my skin. I’m not sure if its the same for every one else.

    So, I made a switch to cold shower and also washed my face in cold, I can immediately see the changes in result. My skins became healthy as acne-free!

    Enough said, cold water definitely solved my acne problems and it might do the same for you. I am pretty glad someone is mentioning it on the internet.

  68. Glad to find and read all the posts here. I too am a firm believer in the benefits of a cold water shower rinse. The benefits are incredible that come with a cold shower rinse and many people are not aware of this. Being in the health and wellness industry I am constantly on the quest to share rejuvenating benefits and content to the consumer.

    Thanks for all the good read.

  69. I stopped having hot showers and started having short cold showers as well as moisturizing straight after, 2 weeks later i noticed my skin was no longer irritating me and my pimples started clearing up as well, being a custom home builder I sweat a lot on my back, this was causing rashes but there has defiantly been an improvement,

    Cheers and thanks for the good write up.

  70. nice read. I used to live in ghana where i always used cold water to shower as we didnt have hot water. Two years ago i moved to london and started using hot water and I must say my skin has become more sensitive to acne,rushes,dryness and blemishes that I never used to have. Felt myself aging so fast. Am happy i found this article no more hot showers for me.

  71. I do this instead of a regular shower after i do my daily cardio. It helps immensely with muscle soreness and recovery. I feel insane doing it, but the benefits keep me coming back for more.

  72. Ive been doing this only once a day and the more days i do it the more incredible i feel. I turn the hot as hot as i cant take it without burning my skin and the cold to as cold as it goes. The first alternation is the hardest. I go into it telling myself with the first cold water that im only gonna do it a couple times and then by the second cold it doesnt bother you near as much. I know there is some healing going on because i felt really drained the first couple times i tried this and now my old injury i have is feeling incredibly well not to mention the energy and feeling of well being!

    1. Allow the Showerstream to spray 5 minutes HOT and 2 minutes COLD over the AFFECTED Area.
    2. Work-up to doing about 7 repetitions of that sequence, ALWAYS ending with COLD Water.
    3. Do the HOT And COLD Showers 2-3 times per day!
    NOTE: While doing the HOT And COLD Showers over the 1st week, work-up to using the HOTTEST Water, WITHOUT being SCALDED and the VERY COLDEST Water! Also massage the AFFECTED Area, while doing the HOT And COLD Showers for even MORE INCREASED Circulation! Remember to ALWAYS end with COLD Water.
    If you’d like to treat a SPECIFIC body area, then you should use a Shower Wand.

  73. You have to be mentally ready for a cold shower, I tried this morning and I lasted around 10 seconds before switching to warm!

  74. I’ve been taking a hot and cold shower for a couple of years now and I find that I rarely get a cold or flu since I started. I used to get a cold about four or five times a year as regular as clockwork before this method of showering.
    I have recently started having an all cold shower and I am going to try to make that the norm from now on.

  75. I always end with about 15-20 seconds of cold water to ease any post-shower sweating. I hate drying myself off only to feel a trickle of sweat down my chest, and ending my showers with a cold rinse is really helpful. It has certainly made my hair shinier too.

  76. I always finish with cool water during my shower. I find I look better and feel great.

  77. Wow, I read this and tried cold showers last week. Already I look 10 years younger, my skin is much better, and my hair turned back to brown (it was gray). I got a big promotion at work and now girls call me wanting dates. THANK YOU for this great advice!!

  78. hey i love your thoughts and hope you do more of these because the way you write makes ppl inspired. hope you have a succsessful career because you sure do deserve it. 🙂

  79. I’m doing this in the morning it will proobily help with my OAA ( Ohio Achievement Assessment ) I’m taking it this wensday is reading and next Tuesday is math hope I do good (: 🙂

  80. very good article n discussion, good recomendation to follow.

  81. i always try to have a cold shower but end up doing a warm one lol

  82. Did I say anything wrong…>>???

  83. I have been having cold showers for about eight months now. (I am 71) even during the winter months I still had my cold shower. I was afraid I might not continue. It feels so good that every time I’m finished I say to myself “wonderful!!”. I Don’t think I will enjoy warm water ever again.

    I can’t say I Look better. I just feel better. More awake and active. Who knows, maybe despite all the reasons I might have for not looking younger (yet) MIGHT be due to other things.

    I might add that I live in Mexico city and it is usually warm except during the winter months but still it does get quite cold. I don’t know anyone else that would try cold showers during the winter around here willingly.

    Thank you for such a good article and good comments.

  84. usually, i never use to read till end a blogs post…but this time i did.so, compliments for the post indeed.btw, i think its definitely a good think to shower, it wakes u up and bring a little more life and energy onto ur body and life. greatings from italy

  85. A friend of mine decided to try a cold shower and the shock of it altered the rythm of her heart and she is now disabled and unable to enjoy her life

  86. trying it rite now….well for starters on warm =)

  87. I love taking hot showers and then cooling off with a cold one. It’s something that has been handed down to us from our mother who learned it from her mom. My maternal grandmother’s family immigrated from Finland back in the 1800’s and when they moved into their house my great-grandfather built a sauna in the basement. They would take hot showers, spend a 1/2-hour in the sauna, followed by a cold shower –back in the old country they would jump into a cold lake or river (or even roll in the snow!) which would close their pores back up. You would repeat the process a second or even a third time, but add the customary “slapping” of your extremities with leafed birch twigs. It may sound painful and rather laborious but it’s one of the best ways to relax, rejuvenate, revitalize yourself.

  88. Ausome thanks, looks like im taking cold showers every morning for the rest of my life, yay 🙁

  89. Hi i love cold water i have bin cold showering for 10 years, even in the winter,it makes me so excilerating,i have 2,6 times a day,and there is no time limit i can stay in, there.

  90. heck yah, I know the cold shower does make me feel much alive in the morning…. I just didn’t know all the benefits like the post. wonder why my skin always smooth…. I get a lot of comment saying I look 20-22 since I’m 26 years old.

  91. hello , I was on vacation overseas ,to my home country . at fathers apartment , the heater was broken so i had to take cold showers , believe you me it made me look like a million bucks … health wise.my hair stopped falling , my skin was healthier and i felt lighter over all. i got back to the states and totally forgot about the cold water , and i started taking regular showers , my hair started to fall again hehhe. but i learned my lesson , too bad the water here in florida isnt that cold. what should i do.

  92. I always finish my warm/hot showers with one minutes of cold water. I did this for I knew it closed my pores, because I have acne. Now I know it has many more benefits.

  93. I always finish with cool water during my shower. I find I look better and feel great.

  94. Alexa, I think it would be more beneficial for him to stop drinking so much pop and eating less sweets than cutting out ALL of their daily dairy requirements. I drink about eight (8) glasses of milk a day (no lie) and have no problems whatsoever with acne. I do agree with you, however, that they shouldn't eat cheese as it constipates you and is very fattening (unless you get the low fat or fat-free, of course). But I would like to say, thank you to Frederic for the wonderful article, and I'm sure I will be taking cold showers from now on.

  95. This is so interested! Where can I find more like this?

  96. This is a very nice article. I do think cold showers are very beneficial. The only one thing , i think it is missing is, that, to keep your skin youthful and healthy you need to wear sunscreen, and other types of protection (hat, sunglasses) and try to avoid, as much as you can , sun exposure between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. And to avoid tanning, including tanning beds, and salons. Use the self tanning lotions
    No matter how many cold showers you take, if you go in the sun, without protection. Your skin will age prematurely and you are at risk of skin cancer.
    Nice article though.

    • I have to strongly disagree with this, for centuries people have been exposed to the sun on a regular, daily basis, especially in the tropics, equatorial, and Mediterranean areas of the world, and skin cancer was practically non-existent even with daily exposure to STRONG sunlight. It was only until the 1900s that these skin conditions became much more widespread and problematic, about the same time when the suntan lotion industry emerged. Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your sunscreen? I guarantee you that unless you are using a zinc or titanium based lotion that you do not know what at least half of the ingredients are. They are synthetic chemicals that human skin IS NOT DESIGNED TO COME IN CONTACT WITH. In fact, many common sunscreen ingredients have been proven to be carcinogenic. Oxybenzone is one that makes your skin much more vulnerable to other chemicals. One of the worst ones is Retinal Palmitate, also called Vitamin A palmitate. THIS INGREDIENT CAUSES CANCER IN LAB ANIMALS WHEN APPLIED TO THEIR SKIN!!! So why would it be any different in humans? Look it up if you don’t believe me. Also, sunlight is the absolute BEST and PRIMARY way for our bodies to produce VITAMIN D, which emerging science finds to be ONE OF THE BODIES MOST ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS!!! In fact, high levels of vitamin D have been shown to FIGHT and PREVENT cancer. UVB is the only way to obtain natural vitamin D, and by putting on sunscreen you are instantly blocking out ALL UVB and thus all of the suns amazing health benefits. All it takes for the average Caucasian skin to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D (20,000 IU) is 20-30 minutes of sun exposure WITHOUT ANY SUNSCREENS OR LOTIONS per day. Now since this isnt practical in the vast majority of the US, indoor tanning is also an option. There are numerous SAFE tanning beds that emit adequate amounts of UVB that create high amounts of Vitamin D. I go indoor tanning myself and my skin has never looked better and I have never felt better in my life! In fact, I have not gotten sick in 8 years, since I started indoor tanning during the fall and winter. Yes, overexposure to UV and sunlight is bad, but do not be like the majority of Americans that think sunlight is bad for your skin, ITS NOT! Skin was DESIGNED to absorb UV and TAN. A tan is PROTECTION from sunburn and overexposure to the sun! And as far as self tanning lotions go, those things are complete garbage. They give you an unnatural orange color and they are also full of synthetic chemicals that are not good for your skin. So please if you are going to use sunscreen use a natural one with zinc or titanium as the active ingredient. Just thought I would help to clear this up.
      Source: I work for Dr. Mercola, one of the leading health experts in America. Look him up!

    • Yes it is a good article but if you’re going to suggest that its missing something like sun exposure then why not say its missing diet recommendations that improve the skin or how non-smoking is better for the skin? So, I’m going to tell you why those were left out. The article is about the benefits of cold showers not the benefits or regulating exposure to the sun, diet or smoking. See how that works? The title: “Four Reasons why you need to take cold showers” Should have been the really big clue for you there.

      Anyway, to the author of the article, thanks for the information and it was well written.

  97. Ten seconds is plenty for the first time – remember that the goal is only twenty to thirty SECONDS, after one month. So, you did absolutely fine.

    But don't bang your head again!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

  98. I tried taking a cold shower this morning… i was hyping myself up for it… i started with hot water.. then i turned the hot water off… then it started it… was crazy i was moving and jigging around then all of a sudden my shower head dropped and banged me in the head.. it certainly woke me up… I only lasted 10 seconds under the freezing cold water… but i will try again… after reading some of your tips..

  99. Lovely article, thank you.

  100. I'll back again for sure, thanks for great article 😀

  101. GBäcker,

    Besides cold showers, leaving out all dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc) and reduce sugars and sweeteners should improve your skin. Good luck!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

  102. Alex,

    Start slowly at your feet. Then your hands, then your face. Leave it at that for the first few times.

    Then try to go a bit higher, to your knees. Later to the thigh, abdomen. And only much later to your chest. Even then: ALWAYS start at your feet.

    And I like fred555's advice: Listen to your body. Thin people cannot do as much as chubby ones. Also: A cold shower is not winter swimming! It should not take more than 20 to 30 seconds altogether!

    All the best.

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

  103. I stumbled upon this article – and am delighted, as I have written a book about it (Health20 – Tap into the Healing Power of Water).

    The main reason why I do cold showers is the effect on the immune system: One gets less colds, and presumably less cancer. I say “presumably” because there is no money for studies about cold water. There were some small pilot studies though, confirming it.

    The feeling when you step out of the shower – one cannot compare it to anything!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.

    • I initially had read that cold showers were good for your skin. It helps you look more “youthful.” Well, being in my 40’s thats important. So about a year ago, I started taking cold showers. Let me clarify this. I take a normal warm shower then finish with a cold shower. Now I hear its good for your immune system. Right now I’m waiting for mt cedar allergy to kick in. Mt Cedar makes me feel worse then horrible and has for the last several years. You do feel refreshed after a cold shower, but I’m more interested in it helping with my mt cedar allergy. It has been in the air and I have not had the same symptoms, to say the least. It does kick in with full force at around New Years, so I’ll keep you posted. So all you allergy sufferers listen carefully!

  104. Frankly, I am athlete , and I was a smokeaholic for a while as well, so I was looking for a treatment that helps me to quit. However, my big sister, she's a therapists, was attempting to figured out an appropriate treatment that could match the activities that I like in my daily life, meanwhile; it would help me to quit as fast as I could. In quiet simply, the treatment was (Jogging 15 minutes in the early morning + taking a cold shower). Significantly, after one week the implications were incredible and the treatment was workable. As a result, I quitted smoking. Undeniably, I found physically difficulties with this treatment, but I think the secret was on the cold shower. Yeah, believe me just do it for one day, and you will hit the healthier feeling that you never have it before. Good luck

  105. I find your site very nice and the best thing is that all posts are very simple and to the point. It is always to get good information without struggling too much.

  106. yes im doing these cold showers took 1 today

  107. then don't take a cold shower! Seriously, listen to how your body reacts. My skin is cold sensitive, so I do not take an icy cold shower, I use moderation.

  108. When I take cold showers I end up hyperventilating and almost fainting. The cold water make my lungs feel constricted.

  109. I use a small bucket for the cold water. I also use a bath tub where I can block the drain. This way you can reuse much of the cold water. I kneel and just use the main facuet, not the shower. I pure the cold water over me quickly and breathe out when I do so, chest, back and head. I also have found a benefit by adding a 1 cup of Epsom Salt. The salt dissolves and I get the feeling the salt water conducts the energy flow around my skin better. Epsom salt also has documented benefits. The cold water definitely effects blood flow and mental clarity. I also find my ability to stay warm or cool is enhanced over the seasons.

  110. i took for about 2 weeks freezing cold showers because the hot water heater broke… today i have such a stuffy nose other than that its worthwile to take a cold shower

  111. Wonderful article, On my shower there are options from 1 to 10. Only from 1 up to 4 is how much the human body can take. I go for 1 – the coldest setting my family think im weird they cant handle it haha I cant handle number 4! I love my cold showers I go for a shower about 3 times a week.

  112. I speak from my own personal experience and that of other people I know have the habit of using cold showers. I suggest you try it yourself and see how it affects you, that's more powerful than any studies.

  113. What are your sources? Do you have a link to the studies made that show this?

  114. Schöööönn.
    That's something I'm happy to hear as well!

  115. Oi, Sam, it's been awhile since your post. Have you been sticking to it? I'm also 18, and have horrible acne (IMO). So I'm severely considering doing this, in fact I'm starting tomorrow. I believe I can last a full frozen shower, I love being cold, I just think it's more beneficial to be hot at first so you can cleanse your pores, before closing them. Don't you agree?

    Anyway, I wanted to ask, have you noticed if your complexion has become lighter? I used to be as beautifully white as a piece of paper, haha. But I fear last Summer really damaged my skin. 🙁 I'm getting back to normal, but it's taking abnormally long!
    Also, how long did it take for the horrid acne to leave?

    -G. Bäcker

  116. thank you for sharing Mike!

  117. When you are in warm water, the blood will leave the organs and muscles to cool them down. When it's shocked by the cold water, it goes into the muscles as sort of a defense to warm them up. You can find this information in several different places. Hope this helped! =D

  118. Hi all. I started taking cold showers some time ago. I am a B person with a capital ‘B’. I like warm weather and sleeping late, and ‘biting’ the bullet when jumping into a morning cold shower has been a month long quest for me. I do it exactly as described above. Starting with hot water doing my daily routine (showering), and I then finish with 5 minutes in cold water. But I found out that this process is SO much more bearable if I start with only my head in the cold water for 2 minutes. It has made my full body cold shower painless (I will never get used to it though 😉

    I can also recommend nasal cleaning with semi-hot salt water followed up with a 2 minute head stand (on your elbows – it’s much easier than you think – and it’s good for balancing the blood circulation every day). It is great for my nasal respiration to.

    Finally I want to mention ‘the breath’. All of you, please spend just a few minutes every day practising some good solid breaths. Not only is it healthy for your respiratory muscles, it will also take you into 5 minutes of total peace every day. 30 deep breaths is perfect.

    1. Inhale – open you your chest, and breathe deep into your stomach. Remember it’s important that you breathe in to the stomach and not to your chest.

    2. Relax and shoulders down while breathing out.

    Combine it with your favorite meditation music on your ipod, and you will see amazing benefits. Studies show that ‘the breath’ can cure 75% of all health dissorders, not to mention that while performing these breaths you will find the inner peace as in meditation. (please note that taking deep breaths may make you a bit ‘dissy’ and you should only practise this within your personal comfort zone.

    These daily routines takes me 10 minutes per day, but has given me so many benefits I don’t even know where to start.

    Remember – Eat well, excercise regularly, and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

    I wish you all the best of luck.

  119. Hi all. I started taking cold showers some time ago. I am a B person with a capital ‘B’. I like warm weather and sleeping late, and ‘biting’ the bullet when jumping into a morning cold shower has been a month long quest for me. I do it exactly as described above. Starting with hot water doing my daily routine (showering), and I then finish with 5 minutes in cold water. But I found out that this process is SO much more bearable if I start with only my head in the cold water for 2 minutes. It has made my full body cold shower painless (I will never get used to it though 😉

    I can also recommend nasal cleaning with semi-hot salt water followed up with a 2 minute head stand (on your elbows – it’s much easier than you think – and it’s good for balancing the blood circulation every day). It is great for my nasal respiration to.

    Finally I want to mention ‘the breath’. All of you, please spend just a few minutes every day practising some good solid breaths. Not only is it healthy for your respiratory muscles, it will also take you into 5 minutes of total peace every day. 30 deep breaths is perfect.

    1. Inhale – open you your chest, and breathe deep into your stomach. Remember it’s important that you breathe in to the stomach and not to your chest.

    2. Relax and shoulders down while breathing out.

    Combine it with your favorite meditation music on your ipod, and you will see amazing benefits. Studies show that ‘the breath’ can cure 75% of all health dissorders, not to mention that while performing these breaths you will find the inner peace as in meditation. (please note that taking deep breaths may make you a bit ‘dissy’ and you should only practise this within your personal comfort zone.

    These daily routines takes me 10 minutes per day, but has given me so many benefits I don’t even know where to start.

    Remember – Eat well, excercise regularly, and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

    I wish you all the best of luck.

  120. I fight my depression with cold showers every day. It really changes the brain chemistry to the good. Remember – nobody in water is gloomy but smiling and cheering. That’ is not a theory, its a fact! Needs patience and courage to begin, thought. Highly recommended! It’s health!

  121. I fight my depression with cold showers every day. It really changes the brain chemistry to the good. Remember – nobody in water is gloomy but smiling and cheering. That’ is not a theory, its a fact! Needs patience and courage to begin, thought. Highly recommended! It’s health!

  122. mine are as cold as you can get. It’s very good for strengthening the mind. not to mention you feel really warm 5 minutes after you’re done.

  123. mine are as cold as you can get. It’s very good for strengthening the mind. not to mention you feel really warm 5 minutes after you’re done.

  124. A nice read, and all four reasons could be true. Unfortunately, none are supported by any evidence. “This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move..” How does hot-cold force my blood te move? Is there any double-blind study supporting any of these claims?

  125. A nice read, and all four reasons could be true. Unfortunately, none are supported by any evidence. “This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move..” How does hot-cold force my blood te move? Is there any double-blind study supporting any of these claims?

  126. I took the same advice from a friend and have been taking cold showers for almost a year. Very pleased with the results. I’m only 18 aswell, and this time last year had horrible acne, but all that’s gone now. Now only that, but my skin feels smoother and hair looks shiny. It also does give you that extra bit of energy in the morning. Probably best to do as what it already says, which is take a hot shower for about 5 minutes (at least that’s what I do), and then turn the water to cold, then finish. It isn’t easy to take a cold shower however, especially in the winter, but your body does get used to it to an extent. Just start from slightly cold, then work your way up to getting it colder by the week or something. I’m not sure if going freezing cold would be alright, may even have more benefits, but I’m not sure. Just don’t put yourself in too much pain!

  127. I took the same advice from a friend and have been taking cold showers for almost a year. Very pleased with the results. I’m only 18 aswell, and this time last year had horrible acne, but all that’s gone now. Now only that, but my skin feels smoother and hair looks shiny. It also does give you that extra bit of energy in the morning. Probably best to do as what it already says, which is take a hot shower for about 5 minutes (at least that’s what I do), and then turn the water to cold, then finish. It isn’t easy to take a cold shower however, especially in the winter, but your body does get used to it to an extent. Just start from slightly cold, then work your way up to getting it colder by the week or something. I’m not sure if going freezing cold would be alright, may even have more benefits, but I’m not sure. Just don’t put yourself in too much pain!

  128. Ok,
    Now, suggest me how to take a sudden cold water bath, coz, i have shifted to a new place in canada and i cant get my hands on a water heater.
    Everytime i try it, the fear of getting bit by the cold bug drives me away from the shower.
    PLZ help..

  129. Ok,
    Now, suggest me how to take a sudden cold water bath, coz, i have shifted to a new place in canada and i cant get my hands on a water heater.
    Everytime i try it, the fear of getting bit by the cold bug drives me away from the shower.
    PLZ help..

  130. “Cool” article and comments. I’ve been thinking of trying this for some time and you lot have just given me the incentive. I’m still afraid though!

  131. “Cool” article and comments. I’ve been thinking of trying this for some time and you lot have just given me the incentive. I’m still afraid though!

  132. LOL! my gas got shut off and I’ve been taking cold showers for about 4 days now. It’s still warm out so it’s no big deal, but I can’t imagine taking cold showers in the winter. Brrrr… But still, when I feel up to it, I’ll probably take a icy shower once in a while to get my energy up. Helps circulate the blood.

  133. LOL! my gas got shut off and I’ve been taking cold showers for about 4 days now. It’s still warm out so it’s no big deal, but I can’t imagine taking cold showers in the winter. Brrrr… But still, when I feel up to it, I’ll probably take a icy shower once in a while to get my energy up. Helps circulate the blood.

  134. I actually just went for a jog and came back home wanting a cold shower, did it and then looked up the benefits of a cold shower and this popped up. Im glad I found it too because I could really get use to taking cold showers. Thanks for the advise and keep up the good work!

  135. I actually just went for a jog and came back home wanting a cold shower, did it and then looked up the benefits of a cold shower and this popped up. Im glad I found it too because I could really get use to taking cold showers. Thanks for the advise and keep up the good work!

  136. I have been using hot/cold shower for many years now and it is one medicine that people might not know about this is no joke, try it especially in the mornings.

  137. I have been using hot/cold shower for many years now and it is one medicine that people might not know about this is no joke, try it especially in the mornings.

  138. As the author of “Health20 – Tapping into the Healing Power of Water” (McGraw Hill 2007), I want to remind that there are many more health benefits of a cold shower than you list: improved immune system (less colds and perhaps even less cancer), in creased lung function, endocrine function, lowered blood pressure – the list is long.

    I am grateful that you started the discussion!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D.

  139. As the author of “Health20 – Tapping into the Healing Power of Water” (McGraw Hill 2007), I want to remind that there are many more health benefits of a cold shower than you list: improved immune system (less colds and perhaps even less cancer), in creased lung function, endocrine function, lowered blood pressure – the list is long.

    I am grateful that you started the discussion!

    Alexa Fleckenstein M.D.

  140. I would support your theory of taking cold showers fully because I have been practicing that for years now. I have a warm water bath once in a while and the experience is exhilarating because i do it rarely. Cold water bath definitely has more benefits than a hot water bath as it basically makes you alert. An alert mind keeps your body tuned.

  141. I would support your theory of taking cold showers fully because I have been practicing that for years now. I have a warm water bath once in a while and the experience is exhilarating because i do it rarely. Cold water bath definitely has more benefits than a hot water bath as it basically makes you alert. An alert mind keeps your body tuned.

  142. i’ve been taking cold showers for over a year now. warm or hot water has not touch my body in a long while. Cold water is awesome. It helps my hair become stronger, reduce frizz, makes my curls more defined. my skin never gets dry, but this can also be because i dry brush everyday as well. i feel energized after, and i really believe it cleanse the soul as well. My eyes have become brighter, no more redness. My skin tone improved. The only thing is i am always hot. This can be a good thing. Like night time you do not get cold, but i am hot all the time. I guess because the body is working better. Cold showers are great!

  143. i’ve been taking cold showers for over a year now. warm or hot water has not touch my body in a long while. Cold water is awesome. It helps my hair become stronger, reduce frizz, makes my curls more defined. my skin never gets dry, but this can also be because i dry brush everyday as well. i feel energized after, and i really believe it cleanse the soul as well. My eyes have become brighter, no more redness. My skin tone improved. The only thing is i am always hot. This can be a good thing. Like night time you do not get cold, but i am hot all the time. I guess because the body is working better. Cold showers are great!

  144. That was a great post…I love this site…Thanks

  145. That was a great post…I love this site…Thanks

  146. I only ever have cold showers now as i find that not only is it good for my health and electricity bill, It also flushes toxins out of my body afterwards (runny nose) just blow your nose and you’ll feel fresh and clear headed.

    TIP: if you have a stuffy nose and blocked head try to stay under the cold water for at least 3-5 minutes. Don’t worry, your body will produce its own heat after the first 10 seconds from jumping in.

    In the morning, let the cold water flow on your forehead to wake you up! Before bed, let it run on your chin to help you relax and have a relaxing nights sleep.

  147. I only ever have cold showers now as i find that not only is it good for my health and electricity bill, It also flushes toxins out of my body afterwards (runny nose) just blow your nose and you’ll feel fresh and clear headed.

    TIP: if you have a stuffy nose and blocked head try to stay under the cold water for at least 3-5 minutes. Don’t worry, your body will produce its own heat after the first 10 seconds from jumping in.

    In the morning, let the cold water flow on your forehead to wake you up! Before bed, let it run on your chin to help you relax and have a relaxing nights sleep.

  148. I never know about the benefits before…thank you, I’ll do

  149. I never know about the benefits before…thank you, I’ll do

  150. # 2 on your list seriously undermines the rest of this fine article—you see, your pores don’t actually expand or contract. This is terminology used by cosmetic companies; many products inflame the skin around your pours making them APPEAR smaller, while some reduce oiliness and have mica or other light diffusers in them to give your skin an airbrushed appearance. But after all is said and done, your pores are not any larger or smaller because of any product or beauty regimen.

    I can attest to the benefits of cold showers, but this is not one of them.

  151. # 2 on your list seriously undermines the rest of this fine article—you see, your pores don’t actually expand or contract. This is terminology used by cosmetic companies; many products inflame the skin around your pours making them APPEAR smaller, while some reduce oiliness and have mica or other light diffusers in them to give your skin an airbrushed appearance. But after all is said and done, your pores are not any larger or smaller because of any product or beauty regimen.

    I can attest to the benefits of cold showers, but this is not one of them.

  152. this was very helpful and actually works

  153. this was very helpful and actually works

  154. Wow, I’m happy to have read this.
    I’ve just taken a crash course in cold showers through martial arts training.
    I’m from Montreal as well, and stepping into an already freezing shower with no more preparation other then breathing exercises… It was no picnic, lasted 5 minutes but felt like an eternity.
    I came out, caught my breath, and felt invigorated and tight as ever.

    I will start training myself with the gradual perspective to be ready for the next submersion.

  155. Wow, I’m happy to have read this.
    I’ve just taken a crash course in cold showers through martial arts training.
    I’m from Montreal as well, and stepping into an already freezing shower with no more preparation other then breathing exercises… It was no picnic, lasted 5 minutes but felt like an eternity.
    I came out, caught my breath, and felt invigorated and tight as ever.

    I will start training myself with the gradual perspective to be ready for the next submersion.

  156. I live in America, I can cleanse my spirit with warm water.

  157. I live in America, I can cleanse my spirit with warm water.

  158. All of our liberal politicians need to take a shower of ICE WATER to wake them all up their sleep walking all over the place

  159. All of our liberal politicians need to take a shower of ICE WATER to wake them all up their sleep walking all over the place

  160. My skin is getting paler since I’ve been showering with cold water.
    I love this!
    I used to have a kind of yellowish-pink skin but now I love my skin, since I read that with every shower you take your tan will fade, but if it is with cold water it will fade even more.
    And I always wanted a pale looking skin, so this is the best option!
    Thank youuu!!!

  161. My skin is getting paler since I’ve been showering with cold water.
    I love this!
    I used to have a kind of yellowish-pink skin but now I love my skin, since I read that with every shower you take your tan will fade, but if it is with cold water it will fade even more.
    And I always wanted a pale looking skin, so this is the best option!
    Thank youuu!!!

  162. when i was lil my dad always insisted we (my sister and I) took a cold shower after a warm one before leaving the shower. I never saw the reason why. Though he didn’t explain much probably because we were too young to understand now I understand. Nice acrticle.

  163. when i was lil my dad always insisted we (my sister and I) took a cold shower after a warm one before leaving the shower. I never saw the reason why. Though he didn’t explain much probably because we were too young to understand now I understand. Nice acrticle.

  164. i used to take cold showers all the time. First I just soaped up, without actually turning the shower on. To rinse myself, I got right in the shower, but did the rinsing quickly. I felt it invigorated me and made me healthier.

  165. i used to take cold showers all the time. First I just soaped up, without actually turning the shower on. To rinse myself, I got right in the shower, but did the rinsing quickly. I felt it invigorated me and made me healthier.

  166. My neighbor takes cold showers in the Winter and hot showers in the summer. That way when he gets out of the shower (in the winter for example) he feels warmer, since the room temperature is never as cold as his shower water.

    Very odd.

    Interesting post though!

  167. My neighbor takes cold showers in the Winter and hot showers in the summer. That way when he gets out of the shower (in the winter for example) he feels warmer, since the room temperature is never as cold as his shower water.

    Very odd.

    Interesting post though!

  168. This is a good tips. Thanks, i learn something new today. Tomorrow morning, cold shower…here i come…

  169. This is a good tips. Thanks, i learn something new today. Tomorrow morning, cold shower…here i come…

  170. Great info!

    I’ve been taking cold showers on and off for years now and just started (30 days ago) a 365 blog adventure, blogging my cold shower experiences every day.
    Today, I plan to use your info as my post. So good!


  171. Great info!

    I’ve been taking cold showers on and off for years now and just started (30 days ago) a 365 blog adventure, blogging my cold shower experiences every day.
    Today, I plan to use your info as my post. So good!


  172. The Japanese have the longest average life span in the world, and they practice Misogi and they also take cold friction showers every morning. Also take note that its best to drink warm or hot liquids, rather then cold, especially during meals. A cold drink on and empty stomach is not so bad, but with food in your stomach the cold liquids can slow the digestions of fats and clog your system.

  173. The Japanese have the longest average life span in the world, and they practice Misogi and they also take cold friction showers every morning. Also take note that its best to drink warm or hot liquids, rather then cold, especially during meals. A cold drink on and empty stomach is not so bad, but with food in your stomach the cold liquids can slow the digestions of fats and clog your system.

    • Hot drinks are not good for the body. If the Japanese do anything I would change, hot drinks is one of them. I lived there and they are a youthful people, but their teeth fall out by the time they are in high school from all the hot teas…they drink. Amen.

  174. Hi Mike 🙂 Thanks for your kind words! Good luck with the cold showers….it takes a little bit to get used to it, but after a few times, it becomes a habit and you don’t mind the cold anymore 😉

  175. I am going to put this to use tomorrow morning. I am not going in shy though, I am going to only keep the water warm while washing and then turn it completely cold for 5-10 minutes. I am also reading up more on your point #4. This sentence caught my eye “The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi.”

    Keep up the awesome articles. I’ve read all of your articles from the front page (well, most of them anyways) and I only found your site two days ago 🙂

  176. I am going to put this to use tomorrow morning. I am not going in shy though, I am going to only keep the water warm while washing and then turn it completely cold for 5-10 minutes. I am also reading up more on your point #4. This sentence caught my eye “The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi.”

    Keep up the awesome articles. I’ve read all of your articles from the front page (well, most of them anyways) and I only found your site two days ago 🙂

  177. Wow! it is one of the good site i ever found….

  178. I can not agree with you in 100% regarding some thoughts, but you got good point of view…


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