The average age for a man is 77 and 81 for a woman. Yet in Okinawa Japan, out of 1 million inhabitants, there are over 900 people over 100 years old, four times higher than the average.
Okinawans eat more tofu and soya based products than anyone in the world. They also eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, all rich in anti-oxidants. Most interesting, they eat to be only 80% full (known as hara hachi bu), a long standing tradition. What a stark contrast to the North American way of life! How ironic, we eat so much to avoid feeling hungry, when perhaps, that feeling of hunger is what triggers a “protective mode” within our system which results in keeping us young. Very interesting indeed.
In Loma Linda, California, a highly religious population live much longer than anywhere else in the US. Could spirituality be another key to living longer? It makes sense. People that follow a belief system often feel much less stress, as their religion is an effect conduit to release the stress from their lives. Needless to say, stress eats at your life expectancy constantly. It’s probably the biggest reason for most of our health issues nowadays.
I think another very important aspect of religion is the social aspect of it. We are social animals, and it is very important for us to be around other like-minded people. Faith brings people together, sildenafil without a prescription, and perhaps this social factor helps in not only reducing stress levels and loneliness but also in making people live longer. Bottom line, people that go to church regularly live longer lives, and that’s a fact that’s been observed over the past decades.
So if you want to ensure you live a longer healthier life, eat lots of tofu and soya, tons of anti-oxidant rich fruits, and make sure you go to church every sunday! Who knows, it may very well work for you 😉